What are toxins? They're anything in your body that isn't a hormone or a vitamin. These toxins, like heavy metals, pollutants, and food additives, can be found in soil and water as well as the foods you eat. They also turn up in your urine, especially if you are drinking excessive amounts of coffee or alcohol. Toxins affect every system of your body — the brain and central nervous system most of all — which is why they're so dangerous.
Toxins are everywhere but usually don't have any effect on people who aren't eating a balanced diet with lots of fruits and vegetables on it. The more processed your diet is (and the less natural), the greater chance you have of developing health problems because those toxins accumulate over time. It's almost impossible to avoid getting toxins into your body, but you can minimize the damage by eating a healthy diet, limiting consumption of sugar and alcohol, and drinking lots of water. Your body will naturally detoxify toxins from your system as long as you get plenty of rest.
How do you detoxify the body?
The body can naturally detoxify itself by:
Sweating. Just when you thought sweating was good only when it was hot out, here's another way to make use of your sweat glands. When toxins are released during a sauna or steam bath, they're likely to be expelled in sweat. This helps cleanse the body and eliminates chemicals from artificial fragrances in cosmetics and other personal care products.
Breathing deeply. Oxygen is an essential element for life, but it also has a detoxifying effect on the body as well, helping to remove harmful chemicals from your lungs and bloodstream that cause inflammation throughout your entire system.
Urinating. The kidneys have an important role to play in your overall detoxification process by filtering out harmful toxins from the blood.
Feeling good. This is an age-old concept that doesn't seem to have changed even now that we're told about toxins. When you feel good on the inside and have peace of mind, you're less likely to feel anxious or physically stressed.
Eating healthy food. If your body is full of toxic chemicals, it will leave you feeling fatigued and run down. Eating a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean meats, fish, poultry and low-fat dairy products will provide nutrients that make your body more resistant to the harmful effects of substances like heavy metals.
Being physically active. Exercise helps detoxify your system by getting oxygen flowing through the system and speeding up circulation in your cells.
Reducing stress. Stress can create a chemical imbalance in your body, which can lead to toxins getting into your system.
Keeping up with the latest research on toxins and other topics such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's disease, and many cancers. This will help you make the most of information that is released about how toxins affect you each day. The more you know about them, the better you'll be able to maintain balance in your life.
You may not be able to avoid all toxins in the environment or food supply right now, but being informed of what's harmful is a good thing because it will enable you to better protect yourself from chemicals that fill your life with adverse effects every day.
Chemtrails toxins: The Chemtrails Conspiracy
Of all the conspiracy theories concerning the effects of toxic residue in the atmosphere, the chemtrails conspiracy theory has been most persistent. Chemtrails, or geoengineering, involves spraying a fine mist of chemicals from aircraft and satellites into the atmosphere in order to affect weather patterns and even control the global climate. While many in mainstream science believe that these official programs are part of a natural process rather than an attempt to control humanity by causing climate change and other earth-altering phenomena (see Geoengineering Could Trigger New Ice Age), others claim that those same programs contain synthetic poisons that have serious negative effects on human health.
How Chemtrails Work
The first conspiracy theory surrounding chemtrails hinged on the claim that the trails were composed of deadly chemicals that corporations were using to control the population in a plot to make money. These theories claimed that chemicals such as barium, aluminum, strontium, and sulfur were being sprayed into the stratosphere. This was said to cause humans respiratory problems and other medical issues. Despite repeated denials from NASA, these theories persist. Some theorists even believe that chemtrails are tied to weather control over certain parts of the world. Some even go so far as to claim that chemtrails are part of a secret government plot, with the goal being either population control or moneymaking.
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