Saturday, August 14, 2021

How long do contrails last?

 How long do contrails last? What are contrails? Contrails are often called jet contrails and they are simply condensation left behind jet planes. Contrail can last up to 90 seconds to a minute after the plane has passed by.

Contrails can be seen from the ground, but scientists who study them need instruments on the ground or in airplanes to measure their properties. These measurements show that contrail particles are typically very small and mostly below 0.1 micrometers in diameter, which is smaller than most atmospheric aerosols. Contrails can stay in the atmosphere between 25 minutes to over two hours before dissipating. There are many different types of contrails, but the classic thin white contrail is composed of ice crystals that form when jet fuel is burned at high altitudes. The water vapor from the jet exhaust freezes and forms a contrail. Contrails are not only caused by jets but also by propeller aircraft, as well as rockets and even hot air balloons.

How long do contrails last?

How long do Chemtrails last? What are Chemtrails? Chemtrails, also known as persistent contrails or transport contrails, are a type of aircraft contrails that are deliberately generated by spraying into the air a chemical substance such as aluminium oxide or barium oxide and polymer fibers. The entire purpose of this is to geo-engineer our planet in order to combat global warming.

The existence of chemtrails has been an ongoing subject of debate between chemtrail believers and skeptics. Skeptics have claimed that visible lines of water vapor emitted by aircraft engines are the result of harmless condensation trails (contrails). However, chemtrail believers have claimed that condensation trails appear and dissipate quickly, whereas chemtrails are alleged to expand into thin white lines that last for hours. Skeptics have also claimed that many of the lines seen in the sky are simply contrails from commercial airlines. However, chemtrail believers have argued that on many occasions in the past they witnessed planes leaving cloud-like filaments in their trails.

What are the signatures of Chemtrails? What are the signature of contrails and Chemtrails? Contrails have a variety of different signatures from Chemtrails, one signature is called the "Aerotow", these are created by aircraft that get lowered into the sky pulled by a wire attached to a tug-plane, these contrails sometimes spread out horizontally and become wider than normal. When an aircraft disperses chemical or biological agents in clouds or in a fine spray (as with a crop duster), it's believed that those agents can be detected in the resulting vapor trail. Whirligig contrail, is an unusual contrail pattern that looks like a whirligig or pinwheel.

A different signature is called the "Reverse Accumulation", this type of contrail is formed when the air pressure varies over the wing surface of a plane, which could be caused by cruising through a wave. This results in an increase in air pressure above the wing and a decrease below the wing or an overall increase in air pressure along with variation (change) in direction of airflow. These changes create eddies behind the contrails that begin to move along with the aircraft. If a plane passes through another set of waves, its speed, altitude, and heading are altered resulting in additional changes to pressure and airflow which makes these eddies swirl around more rapidly at different altitudes even after they have dissipated. Theoretically, these eddies can be carried up to 36,000 feet or almost 10 miles above the ground with the plane. The Reverse Accumulation may stretch out to form a conical vortex similar to a tornadic vortex that spreads out in all directions.

Another signature is called "Vortex contrails" or "Swirling contrails", swirling is a result of eddies that form behind the main contrail and begin to move along with the aircraft. If a plane passes through another set of waves, its heading is altered resulting in increased eddy formation and swirling from vortices formed at different altitudes even after they have dissipated.

Some Chemtrails have signatures of Cloud Seeding, cloud seeding is the process of dispersing substances into the atmosphere to change their current state. In this case, chemtrail dispositions are causing condensation trails that turn into clouds and this is a method of geo-engineering as described above.

Chemtrails are a hot topic in the media because of their alleged adverse health effects. Many people believe that they can negatively impact our mental and physical well-being as well as cause environmental problems, but these claims have not been confirmed by any scientific study to date. The National Academy of Sciences has concluded there is no evidence for chemtrails being anything other than contrails from aircraft with water vapor condensing into clouds behind them. As more information becomes available about this phenomenon, we will update you on what scientists learn in future studies.

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