Monday, June 14, 2021

what are chemtrails

What are chemtrails you ask? Chemtrails - AKA aerial trails left behind by airplanes at high altitudes - are a conspiracy theory most followers of the belief believe to be true and are part of an evil government-level plot to poison the population with chemicals. Chemtrail believers are convinced that chemtrails were originally created as a way for the government to control everything from weather to food production. In short, chemtrails come in all different shapes, colors, sizes, and designs across every continent of the world. They also have a surprisingly committed following - despite scientists allegedly debunking their existence years ago.

This article will discuss some key pieces of information about this weird topic as well as why people believe in them so much and what they're doing about it.

what are chemtrails

The Beginning of Chemtrails

Believers of chemtrail theories are convinced that the government wants to spray chemicals into the sky and that these chemicals are responsible for everything from droughts to cancer. Chemtrail believers also believe that this is only one step further from mind-control tactics and secret weapons. It's true, though, that some people do work for the government or government-related groups - although it is unlikely that those who work for them would disclose their plan to intentionally poison an entire population. But let's take a look at what chemtrails actually are so you can decide for yourself.

Chemtrails have been around ever since the early 1990s. Although it was called by another name - "persistent contrails" - these early trails from high-flying aircraft were actually the direct result of greenhouse gases being released into the atmosphere and creating a haze in the sky. Because of this, experts in climate science said that these trails would likely increase in number as time goes on. The problem with that is that it looks a lot like a chemtrail, and just like those who saw chemtrails for what they are today, people who saw persistent contrails back then were convinced that something more sinister was at work.

So why was this latest development in chemtrail history so alarming? When airplane exhaust is released into the atmosphere, it re-condenses into gigantic vapor trails. These vapor trails are actually part of what makes up the natural phenomenon known as contrails - traces of moisture that linger in the air for a short period before falling to earth. Contrails disperse quickly once they begin to form so it's not hard to see how they could be mistaken for something more sinister.

Although chemtrails are now firmly established in the general population, it's important to remember that they have a long history behind them and were only created after other appearances of similar behavior were debunked.

The History of Chemtrails and Current Conspiracy Theories

Chemtrail believers are convinced that the government is behind these trails, although there is no real evidence that anything like that happened at all. There was a time when this theory had been gestating for years, but it was just in the last quarter of the 20th century when chemtrails popped up as a topic. There were people who saw what was going on and wanted to stick to their guns on what they believe to be true, but it didn't really take off until the 2000s when videos about chemtrails started popping up on YouTube with millions of views.

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