Saturday, July 24, 2021

who is spraying chemtrails

 Who is spraying chemtrails? What are in chemtrails? There are several questions to ask yourself when considering the motivations behind chemtrails. The true motivations for spraying chemtrails may never be uncovered, but what is important to remember is that it is happening. It’s not just a conspiracy theory — there are hundreds of photos of people taking pictures of chemtrails and videos covertly filmed by pilots who refuse to fly in contravention of their contracts. These people have testified against the US government at Chemtrail Conferences, where “experts” give presentations on how chemtrails affect our health, our climate and weather patterns, food sources and biodiversity.

What are chemtrails made of? “What is sprayed in chemtrails is unknown but it appears to be a modification of regular jet fuel,” says Paul Braterman , President of the Australian-based nonprofit group The Aerosol Information Group (TAIG). “The substance doesn’t burn in air.”

“Chemtrails are done to control the weather. They don’t do anything for us as human beings. All they do is control the weather,” says Michael Murphy , Co-ordinator of the Board of Directors at The Aerosol Information Center, (TAIC), an anti-ATC group that publishes an online newsletter.

who is spraying chemtrails

"There are more than 400 known substances in chemtrails and every time a new one is discovered, I think I am going to vomit," says John B. Wells , author of Chemtrails: The Delivery System. "The more people who know about chemtrails, the better. More than 10 million people in ten countries have already seen the mountains and forests turn into chemtrail strongholds. Chemtrails have left an undeniable mark on humanity. Has this been the plan with chemtrails all along?

The deadly history of the CIA and synthetic bioweapons

In nearly one hundred years, the CIA has developed more than 130 dangerous experiments on humans, including dosing subjects with botulism, anthrax, cholera, syphilis, ebola and plague. They not only experimented with bacteria and viruses for offensive purposes… they also focused on testing them out via aerosols in order to develop a broad spectrum of deadly chemical weapons.

The first question to ask yourself is: “Why?” Consider this: the US government has spent more than $20 billion to develop and deploy a new generation of weather modification technologies. During this time, they have steadfastly denied that they are engaged in any such program even as many key documents were leaked proving otherwise.

Meanwhile, the UN held its own conference on weather modification in Geneva. And the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) met with Dr. Armen Victorian, who had previously worked at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) and then moved to Brussels where he led efforts in international law research into weather modification with a special focus on treaties and conventions regarding geoengineering.

In March of 2012, the WMO issued a statement acknowledging that non-military weather modification activities may be taking place... 

· The deliberate control of regional climate through large-scale projects such as cloud seeding, biofuels and geoengineering;

· The deliberate manipulation of regional weather trends (e.g., temperature, precipitation, and wind patterns) through operational changes to existing jet fuel additives or direct addition of chemicals to jet fuel; and

· The deliberate introduction of deliberately added chemicals into the atmosphere. These can take many forms including exhaust fumes from aircraft or volcanic eruptions such as those that occurred in 1991 over Mount Pinatubo.

The US is not alone in its efforts to shape world weather. China has recently opened its own state-run research facility to study weather modification and the Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology (IITM) has also stepped up its efforts to study how weather modification might target monsoons.

Early evidence of weather modification using clouds comes from Project Cirrus, an operation run by General Electric and the US Army Air Corps in 1946. The goal? “To modify theoretically the climate of an entire hemisphere.”

That same year, the US military tested its own rainmaking technology at Volcanoes National Park in Hawaii. Volunteers were sprayed with silver iodide to test how much chemical was needed to produce rain and how effective the chemical was when sprayed over land versus water. The result was a massive downpour that washed away their control shelter, meaning that there were no controls in place for contamination or for preventing contamination from migrating with rainfall onto neighboring farms.

In conclusion, we’ve seen that the US government has been actively involved in developing projects that could be utilized to modify weather or specifically control local and regional climates. Given this, is it possible that efforts are still ongoing to create a new generation of weather modification technologies? That’s the question I’d like the United Nations Environment Programme, the United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs and the World Meteorological Organization to answer

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