can the government control the weather? It is a question that has been asked since the beginning of time: does the government control the weather? It is a scary thought. What if they could cause hurricanes, storm systems, tornadoes, and blizzards at will? What would we do then? The answer to this question is yes. And it's not just Russia, China either. We have seen it happen before in America's history with Project Stormfury and Operation Popeye which were both projects implemented by our own government during the Vietnam War in order to disrupt enemy supply lines coming in from North Vietnam. In other words, don't be surprised when you hear about an unseasonably warm winter or a sudden heavy downpour on your way home from work because someone may be trying to manipulate Mother
The question of weather control is a question that has always been asked by many individuals and scientists alike. What if you could control the weather? Couldn't it be done? Perhaps you may have seen an article by me on climate change and believe me, I've heard the question of weather control thousand times over. So, what exactly is it that weather control entails? According to researcher John Robles, "Weather control involves trying to create the desired result, such as rain or snow." He says that the term for this is "geoengineering."
The goal of geoengineering has been said to be at least partially achieved in 1995 with the implementation of the "chemtrails" in our skies.
The idea is that they are spraying various chemicals into our skies to supposedly create large-scale effects in the atmosphere. However, many feel this is not the case and there is strong evidence to suggest that it may be a full-blown military operation taking place. The spraying of chemicals into our skies may have already had its desired effect. Is there enough evidence to confirm those claims? John Robles says there's no doubt about it. Robles says, "The whole contrail phenomenon is not normal at all, and if you look at them through a telescope like this, you can see what they really are. It's not the normal contrail, and that is indicative of something taking place in the atmosphere."
Chemtrails are sprayings of chemicals into our skies that are said to affect weather patterns. Many believe chemtrails have been affecting our weather patterns since 1991 with Operation Popeye where we control the weather for Vietnam. Many feel this operation went wrong and it has caused immediate, long-term harm to individuals through prolonged droughts and floods, as well as causing a host of long-term illnesses through persistent chemicals within the chemtrail mix.
Many chemtrail theories suggest that the "chemtrail" being sprayed in the sky is not weather control at all. The idea is that these trails are actually pesticides and other chemicals being sprayed from planes to control our population. The governments own explanation for their spraying is one of a legitimate military operation, preparing for war against a foreign enemy. They claim to be preparing for global warming and pollen and other aerosols to fuel forest fires which they would have trouble controlling otherwise.
Another explanation suggests that if there was indeed a military operation going on, it would be in preparation for war against the Russians or Chinese. The military operation is being prepared for in case the U.S. needs to go into war with China, Russia, or another country who could be threatening America's supremacy as well- an attack that may come sooner than later due to recent events around our world and threats made by some of these countries themselves such as Iran have said they want nuclear weapons so we must make sure we are ready if this happens because it would not only affect us but those other countries too!
The U.S. Department of Defense has been working on a project to control the weather for many years, but is it possible? Scientists have not yet found a way to create or stop storms from happening because there are so many variables that affect how they form and move across the planet's surface. However, scientists believe that with enough research and funding, controlling Mother Nature may be possible in our lifetime - if we don't destroy ourselves first!
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