Tuesday, August 10, 2021

global warming

 What is global warming? The world has been experiencing a rise in temperature that is affecting the environment. Global warming, also known as climate change, is caused by humans and their use of fossil fuels. Scientists predict that if we continue to produce greenhouse gasses at our current rate, the Earth will experience an increase in sea levels, decreasing water availability, and more extreme weather patterns. The effects of global warming are already being seen around the globe from hotter summers to melting ice caps. This blog post discusses what global warming is and how it affects our planet's ecosystems.

There is a lot of talk in the news these days about how global warming is going to change our world. Some say it will be good for us, some say it will be bad. What are your thoughts? Some people think that climate change is happening because we have been burning fossil fuels like coal and oil for hundreds of years. They believe that we need to stop using so much energy and switch over to renewable sources such as solar power or wind power because if not then the earth's temperature could rise rapidly causing mass extinctions around the globe. Others think that there isn't enough evidence linking climate change with humans but either way, they agree that something needs to be done soon before our planet gets too hot! 

global warming

If you are only reading this section of the blog post, that means that you need to listen to me! No matter what your opinions are about climate change or global warming, there is no doubt in my mind that it is happening. If you want to know how climate change affects our planet, check out the rest of this blog post. I am about to reveal an entire network of conspiracy theories so stop wasting time and listen up! First and foremost, let's talk about carbon dioxide (CO2) a greenhouse gas that causes the Earth's temperature to rise. Scientists have found evidence of carbon dioxide in rock formations called petrified tree rings. This means that long ago, the Earth had just as many CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere as it does today. Just like our atmosphere has more carbon dioxide today than it did thousands of years ago, so too did the atmosphere in the past.

Now I am not going to tell you what to think about climate change, but I will tell you that we need to take a stand on this issue! The planet is our home and we have an obligation to protect it, after all, it was created by God for us. So, if global warming is happening then there is only one thing left for us to do: stop using fossil fuels! Not only would we be saving our own lives but also those of future generations and the Earth itself. It is the only way to save our planet.

Alright, now that you know what to do, let's get into what scientists have to say about climate change! First let me explain the greenhouse effect and how it helps our atmosphere maintain its temperature. The greenhouse effect is caused by gases and other particles in the atmosphere like carbon dioxide that (as stated above) prevents radiation from escaping. This has a big effect on how hot the Earth gets:

The hotter it gets, the more radiation we absorb from the sun causing an increase in temperature. If we think about this in real life, there are a few ways that you can show how hot something is getting. One way is by using an infrared thermometer. An infrared thermometer uses radiation to measure the temperature of objects. So, what does this have to do with climate change? Well, the Earth acts in a similar manner as the infrared thermometer. When radiation from the sun hits the Earth's surface, it heats up allowing us to live on such a beautiful planet. But if we don't do anything about global warming, then all that hard work will be wasted because our planet will get too hot and we won't be able to live here anymore! 

In addition to absorbing heat from the sun's rays, life on our beautiful planet also emits energy into its atmosphere which causes the greenhouse effect as well. For instance, our oceans emit heat because of the chemical reactions that take place and since water vapor is a greenhouse gas, this increases the Earth's temperature as well. Not only that but volcanic eruptions also cause more CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere which gives global warming a boost.

So let's get back to what I said earlier about how climate change already affects the environment. One way climate change affects us is through extreme weather patterns such as hurricanes or tornadoes. The weather reports say that a hurricane is a large storm system which travels from one place to another. Hurricanes are known for causing high winds, strong rain storms, and flooding. The U.S. experienced 55 billion dollars in damages attributed to hurricanes in 2011. Climate change also causes larger blizzards where the snowfall is more significant and lasts longer than usual as well as droughts which are a form of weather condition that makes it extremely difficult for plants to survive on our planet. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, drought is defined as a period of abnormally dry weather which causes water shortages for our environment. 

Drought periods can be long or short, and extremely dangerous because it limits the amount of rainfall for certain areas which in turn affects agricultural production due to limited water access. Climate change has been such a controversial topic in politics for many years now many Republicans and even some Democrats do not believe that climate change is real! The reason they are so against the idea of climate change is their lack of knowledge on the subject and how big an effect it actually has on our environment.

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