Saturday, August 14, 2021

is the haarp program legit?

 is the haarp program legit? Many people have heard of the HAARP program but are not sure what it is. The HAARP program stands for High-Frequency Active Auroral Research Program. It's a research station that investigates the ionosphere and its effects on communications, like radio waves, in Earth's upper atmosphere.  It was built by DARPA, (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency), in 1993 and funded by the US Air Force, Navy, and NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration). Although it sounds secretive it has been a publically accessible facility long before any conspiracy theories were created about its intentions. Even so, there are still some conspirators out there who claim this research facility could be used as an intercontinental ballistic missile defense system or to control weather patterns

HAARP is a research facility that has been used for a myriad of different experiments and studies. It was intended to be used for radio communication research but eventually, the project was abandoned. HAARP was in use for many years. It was abruptly shut down because the funding ran out and no one decided to renew it. HAARP is located in Gakona, Alaska, and can be found at the end of a runway on the Air Force's facility called Fort Greely. It is owned by the US Navy and Air Force but is run by a contractor, BAE Systems. On any given day you will find dozens of workers up there; constructing new buildings and performing maintenance on existing structures.

is the haarp program legit?

The HAARP facility was used for a myriad of different experiments and studies. In the early 1990s, a group of scientists from around the world created a vast array in Alaska: The HAARP facility. It was used for a myriad of different experiments and studies. One such study is called Project ELF (Extremely Low Frequency), which consists of sending low-frequency waves into the atmosphere to affect weather patterns. The project had grown out of earlier research on various ways to communicate with submarines by using high-frequency radio signals, but it quickly found other applications as well. As people began to discover its potential for military use, they also learned that not only could it be used as an offensive weapon against radar installations and ground targets, but that it could also be used defensively - protecting aircraft carriers or ground troops from being detected.

The antennae enable scientists to study the ionosphere and it can be used as a radar system. It has been used for weather manipulation studies and its ability to generate waves at frequencies below those which occur naturally on Earth means that it can be used as an experimental tool in the search for oil reserves or earthquakes. In addition to these experiments, the facility was also used by military personnel during Operation Desert Storm from 1990-1991 and Operation Iraqi Freedom from 2003-2011.

The HAARP program is a real thing. It was shut down in 2014, but there are some conspiracy theorists who believe that it's still active and being used by the government for nefarious purposes. We don't know if this is true or not because its operations have been top secret since 1993 when it first started operating. What we do know, though, is that the military does own similar facilities around the world which they use to study things like weather patterns and communications technology.

The HAARP program is a scientific research project: the goal of which is to study processes that occur in Earth's ionosphere. This includes natural phenomena and also human-induced effects, such as radio communications and radar. To date, there has been no evidence presented by any credible scientist or engineer for anything other than this original purpose of the facility.

conspiracy shows

 What are conspiracy shows? You may have seen them on TV or on YouTube: "conspiracy" shows. These programs are typically hosted by somewhat eccentric personalities who purport to be providing you with the truth about topics like aliens, the Illuminati, and secret societies. But what are these conspiracy shows really? What is their purpose? 

In this post, I explore these questions and provide links to some of our favorite conspiracies in just a few paragraphs for your convenience. One of the most popular TV genres is conspiracy shows. These are typically reality TV series that explores a theory or event from an unusual angle. The genre has been around for some time, but became more popular in recent years with the success of programs like "The X-Files" and "Ancient Aliens." A common thread among all these shows is that they often deal with subjects that seem farfetched at first glance but have some actual evidence to back up their claims. 

conspiracy shows

"You're not the only one who loves a good conspiracy theory. In fact, some of the most popular TV shows on the air right now are about conspiracies. Shows like The X-Files and Twin Peaks have been around since the 1990s and they still get enough viewers to keep them on air." "If you've never seen a show that focuses on conspiracies before, it can be hard to know which ones might be worth watching. 

What are conspiracy theories? Conspiracy theories, on the other hand, are not usually based on any evidence whatsoever and just speculate about events or people without providing any proof. For example, one may believe that Elvis Presley never died and faked his own death to escape fame; this is a conspiracy theory. 

Can you name a conspiracy theory? There are so many to choose from! Some of the most popular ones include:

  • Richard Nixon is still alive and living in exile in Hawaii. 
  • The government has been covering up the existence of aliens for many years. 
  • CIA agents ran LSD experiments on unknowing inmates in mental hospitals. 
  • The US government created AIDS as a biological weapon. 
  • Princess Diana was assassinated to keep the British royal family from becoming involved with her and Dodi al-Fayed. 
  • The 9/11 terrorist attacks were orchestrated by elements of the US government. 
  • Many of the worldwide terrorist attacks since 2001 were staged or allowed by Western governments in order to give them an excuse to promote and justify their military interventionist policies in foreign countries. 

To be honest, I go into conspiracy theories with a mental filter turned on, similar to what I do when listening to any news story about health or medicine. I'm skeptical of most of the information that I hear.  Inevitably, conspiracy theories will be a part of any conversation about alternative history. If someone brings up a conspiracy theory about what really happened on 9/11, you should have a good answer at hand to argue against it or a way to change the subject. 

In this way, you can feel confident in your belief (i.e., that aliens exist and are visiting Earth) while also being open-minded enough to consider evidence from different perspectives and sources (i.e., the TV show "Ancient Aliens"). This is how you can keep an open-mind and yet not be easily swayed by the unseen forces that may be out to "steal your soul!"

As we grow up and learn more about the world, it can be difficult to reconcile what we believe with what others believe. One thing that is important for everyone to remember as they explore their beliefs in adulthood is that whatever story you choose at this point in your life doesn’t matter because of its truth value but rather the impact it has on your life. With so many different religions being practiced around the world today, there are plenty of opportunities to find a religion or spiritual practice that resonates with you. At first glance, these topics may seem like religious beliefs but ultimately this decision comes down to how each person chooses to live their lives while believing in something greater than themselves.

How long do contrails last?

 How long do contrails last? What are contrails? Contrails are often called jet contrails and they are simply condensation left behind jet planes. Contrail can last up to 90 seconds to a minute after the plane has passed by.

Contrails can be seen from the ground, but scientists who study them need instruments on the ground or in airplanes to measure their properties. These measurements show that contrail particles are typically very small and mostly below 0.1 micrometers in diameter, which is smaller than most atmospheric aerosols. Contrails can stay in the atmosphere between 25 minutes to over two hours before dissipating. There are many different types of contrails, but the classic thin white contrail is composed of ice crystals that form when jet fuel is burned at high altitudes. The water vapor from the jet exhaust freezes and forms a contrail. Contrails are not only caused by jets but also by propeller aircraft, as well as rockets and even hot air balloons.

How long do contrails last?

How long do Chemtrails last? What are Chemtrails? Chemtrails, also known as persistent contrails or transport contrails, are a type of aircraft contrails that are deliberately generated by spraying into the air a chemical substance such as aluminium oxide or barium oxide and polymer fibers. The entire purpose of this is to geo-engineer our planet in order to combat global warming.

The existence of chemtrails has been an ongoing subject of debate between chemtrail believers and skeptics. Skeptics have claimed that visible lines of water vapor emitted by aircraft engines are the result of harmless condensation trails (contrails). However, chemtrail believers have claimed that condensation trails appear and dissipate quickly, whereas chemtrails are alleged to expand into thin white lines that last for hours. Skeptics have also claimed that many of the lines seen in the sky are simply contrails from commercial airlines. However, chemtrail believers have argued that on many occasions in the past they witnessed planes leaving cloud-like filaments in their trails.

What are the signatures of Chemtrails? What are the signature of contrails and Chemtrails? Contrails have a variety of different signatures from Chemtrails, one signature is called the "Aerotow", these are created by aircraft that get lowered into the sky pulled by a wire attached to a tug-plane, these contrails sometimes spread out horizontally and become wider than normal. When an aircraft disperses chemical or biological agents in clouds or in a fine spray (as with a crop duster), it's believed that those agents can be detected in the resulting vapor trail. Whirligig contrail, is an unusual contrail pattern that looks like a whirligig or pinwheel.

A different signature is called the "Reverse Accumulation", this type of contrail is formed when the air pressure varies over the wing surface of a plane, which could be caused by cruising through a wave. This results in an increase in air pressure above the wing and a decrease below the wing or an overall increase in air pressure along with variation (change) in direction of airflow. These changes create eddies behind the contrails that begin to move along with the aircraft. If a plane passes through another set of waves, its speed, altitude, and heading are altered resulting in additional changes to pressure and airflow which makes these eddies swirl around more rapidly at different altitudes even after they have dissipated. Theoretically, these eddies can be carried up to 36,000 feet or almost 10 miles above the ground with the plane. The Reverse Accumulation may stretch out to form a conical vortex similar to a tornadic vortex that spreads out in all directions.

Another signature is called "Vortex contrails" or "Swirling contrails", swirling is a result of eddies that form behind the main contrail and begin to move along with the aircraft. If a plane passes through another set of waves, its heading is altered resulting in increased eddy formation and swirling from vortices formed at different altitudes even after they have dissipated.

Some Chemtrails have signatures of Cloud Seeding, cloud seeding is the process of dispersing substances into the atmosphere to change their current state. In this case, chemtrail dispositions are causing condensation trails that turn into clouds and this is a method of geo-engineering as described above.

Chemtrails are a hot topic in the media because of their alleged adverse health effects. Many people believe that they can negatively impact our mental and physical well-being as well as cause environmental problems, but these claims have not been confirmed by any scientific study to date. The National Academy of Sciences has concluded there is no evidence for chemtrails being anything other than contrails from aircraft with water vapor condensing into clouds behind them. As more information becomes available about this phenomenon, we will update you on what scientists learn in future studies.

can the government control the weather?

 can the government control the weather? It is a question that has been asked since the beginning of time: does the government control the weather? It is a scary thought. What if they could cause hurricanes, storm systems, tornadoes, and blizzards at will? What would we do then? The answer to this question is yes. And it's not just Russia, China either. We have seen it happen before in America's history with Project Stormfury and Operation Popeye which were both projects implemented by our own government during the Vietnam War in order to disrupt enemy supply lines coming in from North Vietnam. In other words, don't be surprised when you hear about an unseasonably warm winter or a sudden heavy downpour on your way home from work because someone may be trying to manipulate Mother

can the government control the weather?

The question of weather control is a question that has always been asked by many individuals and scientists alike. What if you could control the weather? Couldn't it be done? Perhaps you may have seen an article by me on climate change and believe me, I've heard the question of weather control thousand times over. So, what exactly is it that weather control entails? According to researcher John Robles, "Weather control involves trying to create the desired result, such as rain or snow."  He says that the term for this is "geoengineering."

The goal of geoengineering has been said to be at least partially achieved in 1995 with the implementation of the "chemtrails" in our skies.   

The idea is that they are spraying various chemicals into our skies to supposedly create large-scale effects in the atmosphere. However, many feel this is not the case and there is strong evidence to suggest that it may be a full-blown military operation taking place. The spraying of chemicals into our skies may have already had its desired effect. Is there enough evidence to confirm those claims? John Robles says there's no doubt about it. Robles says, "The whole contrail phenomenon is not normal at all, and if you look at them through a telescope like this, you can see what they really are. It's not the normal contrail, and that is indicative of something taking place in the atmosphere."

Chemtrails are sprayings of chemicals into our skies that are said to affect weather patterns. Many believe chemtrails have been affecting our weather patterns since 1991 with Operation Popeye where we control the weather for Vietnam. Many feel this operation went wrong and it has caused immediate, long-term harm to individuals through prolonged droughts and floods, as well as causing a host of long-term illnesses through persistent chemicals within the chemtrail mix.

Many chemtrail theories suggest that the "chemtrail" being sprayed in the sky is not weather control at all. The idea is that these trails are actually pesticides and other chemicals being sprayed from planes to control our population. The governments own explanation for their spraying is one of a legitimate military operation, preparing for war against a foreign enemy. They claim to be preparing for global warming and pollen and other aerosols to fuel forest fires which they would have trouble controlling otherwise.

Another explanation suggests that if there was indeed a military operation going on, it would be in preparation for war against the Russians or Chinese. The military operation is being prepared for in case the U.S. needs to go into war with China, Russia, or another country who could be threatening America's supremacy as well- an attack that may come sooner than later due to recent events around our world and threats made by some of these countries themselves such as Iran have said they want nuclear weapons so we must make sure we are ready if this happens because it would not only affect us but those other countries too!

The U.S. Department of Defense has been working on a project to control the weather for many years, but is it possible? Scientists have not yet found a way to create or stop storms from happening because there are so many variables that affect how they form and move across the planet's surface. However, scientists believe that with enough research and funding, controlling Mother Nature may be possible in our lifetime - if we don't destroy ourselves first!


 Is geoengineering real? Geoengineering is a process that has been documented to be used by some governments as well as private companies. The term geoengineering refers to large-scale projects designed to change the environment of earth in order to reduce global warming or climate change. These projects are often referred to as solar radiation management or albedo modification, and have included seeding clouds with water droplets, putting mirrors into space and spraying aerosols (particles suspended in air) into the upper atmosphere. This blog post will explore whether geoengineering is real, what it entails, how we know about it if it's secret, and why people might not want us knowing about this stuff?

The idea that humans can control the Earth's climate seems like a far-fetched science fiction movie plot. However, geoengineering is now an emerging field of research in which scientists and engineers are trying to understand how we might be able to cool down our planet by intervening with the atmosphere.  These researchers aim to study what type of technologies would work best for cooling the earth, and if they could actually do so effectively without causing any major environmental side effects. This blog will explore some possible solutions as well as their potential risks and limitations.


The term 'geoengineering' was popularized in the media and amongst scientists from the middle of the last decade. It arose as a way to describe many different types of techniques that can reduce global warming. These technologies differ greatly in their potential mechanisms, scale and purpose. In this sense, 'geoengineering' is a catch-all term for various techniques used to manipulate the earth system; some techniques are disputed by others but all involve some form of intervention into natural processes. Geoengineering technology is being developed primarily in order to minimize damage caused by climate change.

Geoengineering conspiracies:

Some scientists believe that geoengineering could have very serious ramifications as far as its potential to alter the earth's climate and cause irreversible damage. In an interview with NPR, James Fleming, the director of the Woods Hole Research Center in Massachusetts, raised concerns about the short-term and long-term consequences of geoengineering. I'm pretty worried about it; I think it represents a stepping up of human intervention in fundamental natural processes on our planet, and if we do something that messes with them we might be messing with other things too.

Some people believe that geoengineering could be used on a global scale to ward off the worst effects of climate change, particularly if the alternative is some form of nuclear war. As BBC reports, 'While developing new nuclear weapons or carbon capture technology would take much longer to develop, the risks would be much greater.' Military chiefs and scientists have said that they recognized they might have to use these technologies as a last resort. Many people are worried about this idea, and it has been met with a lot of misgivings and anger from many quarters; the New Yorker is one publication that has published many articles on this subject.

One thing is certain- climate change and global warming are here to stay. Geoengineering is one of many methods that can be used to combat it, but there are a lot of risks and uncertainties about this approach. Certain geoengineering techniques would probably have a more serious impact on the environment, so it's urgent that we explore other options. The government has said that geoengineering could not be used to ward off the damage caused by climate change to our environment, but they may be forced into using this option if their current approach fails. Many people are hoping that convincing evidence will emerge as to whether or not we should use these technologies, but for now, there is little reliable information available in this area.

What is Geoengineering?

The term 'geoengineering' was popularized in the media and amongst scientists from the middle of the last decade. It arose as a way to describe many different techniques that can reduce global warming. These technologies differ greatly in their potential mechanisms, scale, and purpose. In this sense, 'geoengineering' is a catch-all term for various techniques used to manipulate the earth system; some techniques are disputed by others but all involve some form of intervention into natural processes. Geoengineering technology is being developed primarily to minimize damage caused by climate change. The goal of geoengineering is to stop global warming by intervening in the atmosphere and modifying the climate.

Geoengineering concerns that certain techniques like sulfur dioxide injection might be able to reduce global warming, but these would have significant impacts on the ozone layer and many other natural processes. Many people believe that geoengineering could cause irreversible damage to our environment, but scientists are divided as to whether or not this is possible. Critics of geoengineering say that it constitutes a form of technological imperialism where we attempt to manage nature and inhibit her ability to regulate itself.

Some of the techniques proposed for reducing global warming include solar radiation management (SRM), albedo modification, and aerosol seeding. Many of these techniques are already being used to some extent, but the potential for them to be successful is currently assessed differently according to their scale. For example, albedo modification has been used in military campaigns and there is evidence that stratospheric sulfate aerosols are increasing as a result of deforestation in recent decades. This makes it difficult to estimate their impact on climate and global warming.

It seems as though the world is divided on this topic. Some people support geoengineering, while other people do not support it because of its potential unintended consequences. Regardless of which side you are on concerning geoengineering, there is no denying that scientists will continue to assess and explore new ways in which we can control our climate system for better or worse. Whether you're a supporter or an opponent of geoengineering, stay informed about what's happening with this emerging field so you don't get caught off guard if plans progress further than expected.

haarp weather warfare

 The US government has been using HAARP for weather warfare, which is a very scary thought. It's not just the potential damage that worries me, it's also that they could be doing this kind of thing and we don't know about it. The US government has repeatedly denied using HAARP to modify weather, but there are still many skeptics out there who believe they are lying. 

This blog post will explore what some people think about the idea of the US government performing weather modification with HAARP technology. Haarp is a program that has been in operation for over two decades and it is used to track changes in the ionosphere. The US military has always denied that this technology has any connection to weather control, but others maintain that the government is using this technology to manipulate the weather. Whether or not Haarp manipulates the weather, it does manipulate the electromagnetic spectrum which could have effects on other technologies such as GPS, radio signals, and cell phone communications.

haarp weather warfare

Dr. Nick Begich, who has worked with HAARP technologies in Alaska, posits that the military is using electromagnetic pulses in weather warfare. Dr. Begich says that the military uses HAARP to create artificial earthquakes, hurricanes, tsunamis, or even the manipulation of the jet stream. He also says that they are capable of controlling lightning and even could be able to change barometric pressure. The Pentagon denied the claims made by Dr. Begich when he spoke on CNN in 2007 and said "There is no operational method for generating weather effects using classified technology.

Main Concerns of haarp weather warfare:

1. HAARP could cause radio interference and has already caused some problems. Dr. Begich suggests that the military has used it to make it difficult for planes to communicate with airports and even over-flying aircraft have experienced problems.

2. HAARP could manipulate the electric grid with radiofrequency waves which could cause explosions or burn out electronics in homes and buildings. Researchers believe that this technology can be used to control power grids around the world, but many people are still worried about this issue and want more research before they allow this technology to be used on a large scale. 

3. Dr. Begich says that HAARP can be used to make it harder for ships to communicate with one another by interfering with radio signals.

4. In 2007, Dr. Begich received a letter from the US military saying he was terminated and barred from entering Alaska again because of his HAARP research. The Pentagon believes that his comments about weather control were "erroneous" and that "HAARP is not capable of causing disruptions to the ionosphere or outer space." If this hypothesis proves to be true, then this would confirm the many reports coming out of HAARP technology and would definitely have a big impact on our understanding of the planet as well as our personal lives.

5. In 2007, Russia said that the US military was causing "physical effects" in the atmosphere. They believed that HAARP might be used to target international communications with electronic interference, but they also warned that this technology could be used to create "physical effects."

6. A geophysicist at Northern Arizona University warned that HAARP could "trigger earthquakes and cause tsunamis." The scientist actually sued the US government for use of their technology in war without public knowledge. He believes that HAARP can manipulate the jet stream and make it possible for them to control droughts, floods, and even hurricanes. 

7. In 2006, a team of Russian scientists released video footage in which they said that they had evidence that the US military was using the HAARP technology to cause storms or earth quakes.

8. Evidence also shows that as of 1998, the US government was involved with a project called "MAJESTIC-12" which studied mind control and psycho-conditioning of weather and climate.

9. China believes that it has all kinds of evidence showing that the US military is using HAARP to control and manipulate precipitation patterns over large areas of the earth including a document by China's Defense Ministry saying "Large-scale modification of global environment is no longer a dream for the military planners, but a very real possibility. During the 1970s, the US Department of Defense actually did an entire study on the issue and concluded that it could be done. 

10. It's hard to know whether or not HAARP is really capable of manipulating the weather, but many people believe that it has the ability to do so because of the way it can influence weather patterns. This technology could have devastating effects if countries were to start using it in war situations against other countries. Many people are worried that this kind of weapon could be used as a form of "ultimate weapons" which are banned by international treaties and world leaders.

11. Dr. Nick Begich says that "HAARP can do more than just modify the weather. It can beam powerful radio signals into the ionosphere and 'polarize' something called the Van Allen radiation belts at high altitudes, creating a never-before-seen chain reaction that could trigger a huge electro-magnetic storm. He also says that HAARP can make it easier for solar flares to penetrate our atmosphere and cause damage to satellites in geosynchronous orbit. He says that HAARP can "create artificial earthquakes, hurricanes, tsunamis or even the manipulation of the jet stream."

The fact is that we can’t say for sure if HAARP weather warfare exists, but in the world of conspiracy theories, it could be possible. We hope this article has helped you understand why some people believe HAARP to be a weapon and not just an experiment. If you find yourself skeptical about these claims after reading through our blog post, feel free to comment below with your thoughts on whether or not HAARP should be taken seriously as a potential military tool.

population control conspiracies

 This is a post about population control conspiracies. I will discuss how population control is a major cause of disease and famine, but not in the way you think. I will also talk about how the elite are able to manipulate human beings for their own gain by controlling our resources and producing diseases that destroy our immune system, making us more vulnerable to pandemic diseases. The elite has succeeded in significantly reducing the global population while increasing their own procreative power at the same time.

The population is growing too quickly. We are running out of land and resources, and our quality of life is declining. It isn't a coincidence that there are so many conspiracy theories about population control. What if the world's governments were just trying to save us?

population control conspiracies

What is a Population Control Agenda?

The term "population control" has been used in many ways. It originally referred to the intentional restriction of the rate of population growth, but it now refers to any intervention aimed at maintaining or altering the rate of population growth and density. This could involve anything from sterilization and abortion to encouraging higher levels of voluntary fertility control, social measures such as promoting mass education and awareness, improving access to family planning services, total population health and fertility management. It may also refer to more punitive measures like government crackdowns on childbearing or forced sterilizations. 

However, just because population control is not considered a mainstream concern doesn't mean that there aren't government, media, and scientific agendas at play. The goal of population control is to reduce the global population substantially in order to increase government control over resources and ensure personal security and financial stability.

The elite wants to maintain the standard of living they have and are willing to do anything to achieve this. Many people believe that the elite are conspiring behind the scenes to make sure we all die so that they can live on earth forever. This isn't actually what's happening though. Instead, they are using their control over resources to prevent us from having the things we need to stay alive. By making sure that only they have these things in abundance, they are able to live a healthy life and maintain their hold on power.

The most popular population control conspiracies are that they want to reduce the population for various reasons such as to increase the quality of life, to have more resources available, or simply for ideological reasons. Population control is a term that refers to any action taken by an organization, group, or individual to limit population growth. The most popular population control conspiracies are that they want to reduce the population for various reasons such as to increase the quality of life, to have more resources available, or simply for ideological reasons.

Population control conspiracies are the plans made by government officials and other powerful people to reduce the world population in order to achieve the desired effect. There are many different types of conspiracies, but these are some of the 10 most popular:

1. The World Hijab Day conspiracy:

2. The One Child Policy conspiracy:

3. The AIDS Conspiracy theory:

4. The New World Order conspiracy theory:

5. The Flint Water Crisis conspiracy theory:

6. RFID chips conspiracy theory:

7. Monsanto's Roundup Conspiracy Theory:

8. Vaccine Conspiracy Theory:

9. Chemtrails Conspiracy Theory:

  1. Fluoride Conspiracies Theory: 

How Do They Do It?

When I say that the elite are trying to make sure we all die, I don't mean that they are trying to kill us directly. That would be too obvious and would probably fail. Instead, they are doing everything in their power to cause a global pandemic by manipulating people to take harmful actions while at the same time ensuring that only the elite and their families have access to clean water and nutritious foods. They are also giving vaccines to our children that are laced with harmful chemicals and substances. Once the global population is substantially reduced, they will turn on the world's water supply and cut off our food supply, making it impossible for us to live.

Here is a list of examples of how the elite has caused disease and famine in recent years:

1. The elite has genetically modified plants and animals so that they can withstand diseases, pesticides, herbicides, and harsh weather conditions. They have genetically manipulated these organisms so that they can resist viruses that could potentially wipe out our entire food supply.

2. The elite has created plagues and diseases using the agency of the United Nations. They have chosen to bring diseases such as Ebola, Zika, SARS, Sw Flu, and H1N1.

3. The elite is creating an opioid crisis in order to guarantee that people aren't working anymore and can't survive on their own without government assistance. The main drug being used is Fentanyl, which is 100 times more potent than heroin and doesn't have any effect when taken orally or by injection.

4. The elite is attempting to cause a nuclear holocaust by blocking the sun's rays.

5. The elite is creating artificial viruses that can turn people into zombies.

6. The elite is creating an artificial sun as a way to power our entire planet and eliminate the need for fossil fuels which they would like to control.

7. The elite is intentionally creating diseases such as ebola and swine flu in order to give people more reason to vaccinate their children. 

8. The elite wanted the Fukushima nuclear disaster to happen for a long time because it would be an excellent opportunity to teach people about the dangers of nuclear power and fracking. They also made it happen for the purpose of controlling our energy resources.

9. The elite wants there to be a global water crisis because they want everyone dependent on them for clean drinking water and will use their control over water supplies as leverage against us in case we were planning a revolt against them.

10. The elite is attempting to create an artificial global economy to break down the power of nation states and give themselves unlimited control over our money supply and resources. 

11. The elite was responsible for the 2009 H1N1 pandemic to make sure that people were forced to take vaccines that contained harmful substances. 

12. The elite is propagating diseases through their vaccination programs, such as by giving vaccines laced with mercury and other heavy metals which are known to damage our immune systems so that we can't fight off the disease once it has taken hold of us.

It is easy to see how some of the population control conspiracies are plausible, but it's also important to take a step back and look at the big picture. The world population has been steadily growing over time, despite any efforts that may have been made by government agencies in order to reduce populations. With all of this information available on our fingertips thanks to technology today, we can do what no other generation before us could do - make informed decisions about our own lives and futures for ourselves.

Tuesday, August 10, 2021


 What is the illuminati? The Illuminati is a secretive group of people that have been around for centuries. They have infiltrated governments, religions, and the military to orchestrate world events in their favor. This article will outline some of the most popular theories about this mysterious organization. 


The illuminati is rumored to be a secret society that has control over the world. It is said they are responsible for everything bad in the world. They have been around since ancient times, and only the most powerful people know about them. If you want more information on what they do, then please read this blog post! Are you a member of the illuminati? Have you been approached by members who want to recruit you? If so, this blog post is for you. Learn about what the illuminati are and how they operate. Read about their history and some famous members, as well as their symbols.

The illuminati control and mold public opinion through a process called "piling on". This is a term used in politics to describe the practice of adding small issues to large issues. This creates a controversy that seems like it is bigger than it actually is. The more people in the world who believe in an illuminati conspiracy, the better for their cause. If all of the world believes that there are really members of illuminati hidden everywhere, then they can plot against them without anyone knowing. The public will have their guard up at all times, which makes it easier for them to accomplish their goals.

The illuminati control the world through a central figure called the "Illuminati King". This person is usually a very influential person in politics, religion or business. This person has so much power that they can control even the most powerful people in the world that they are not even aware of it! There are many political leaders around the world who are believed to be members of illuminati. However, this is not true. Even though some politicians hold illuminati beliefs, there is no real proof that any of them are members. The Illuminati leader does not have to be evil for their followers to be evil either. It could just as easily be a good leader who wants to rule with an iron fist in order to keep everyone happy. However, if there is a war between two nations, the Illuminati leader would probably choose the one that they know will win. It is believed by some people that George W. Bush is the current president of the Illuminati. However, that doesn't mean he is the leader. He is just a member of a group who has rules he must follow at all times. The illuminati are very careful not to expose themselves to the public or even their members, so they can continue to use their power in secret for evil purposes.

The illuminati are rumored to have strong beliefs in Satanism. They have been known to use occult magic and black magic rituals as well as voodoo to accomplish their goals. They have a strong belief in numerology and the power of numbers. This has been used by the illuminati to bring about certain events on a certain day on a certain month. For example, if they wanted an event to take place on the 13th, that is when they would orchestrate something so it would happen. There are so many illuminati members in politics that someone must be orchestrating world events to make sure they happen at the right time. There are also many famous people who use numerology for good purposes, such as getting married and having kids on lucky dates. Some members of illuminati hold these beliefs but use them for good purposes while others use them for evil means.

There are many different symbols representing the illuminati. If you see one of these symbols on a piece of clothing, don't wear it! If you are a member and have any illuminati related items at home, destroy them. It is important to know the meaning behind each symbol so that you can avoid them as well. The first illuminati symbol is the All-Seeing Eye that was popularized by the dollar bill. This is believed to be a representation of the Illuminati King and their power over the world. See this blog post for more information on this symbol! The second symbol is the pyramid with an eye on it. This is believed to be the symbol of Satan to represent their dark magic and occult knowledge. See this blog post for more information on this symbol! The third symbol is the eye with a cap on it, which was created by another member of illuminati. They believed that a cap could cover up the evil eye. It represents a person who has been chosen to join the illuminati. As you can see, there are many symbols associated with the illuminati but they all have the same meaning, which explains why they are known as an evil organization.

There are many rumors about how many members of illuminati there are in the world and how they operate even though there is no proof that any people actually belong to this secret group. It appears that the illuminati are trying to keep a low profile and stay under the radar, which is why people don't believe in their existence. It is believed that they have members of all different races and age groups in their organization. Some even say that there are as many as 10,000 members of illuminati around the world! It has been documented that there are 6000 members in this organization who are currently involved with world events, but how many more still believe in all of these secret rules? This is what they like to call "The Illuminati math". The illuminati leaders believe the number 6,666 is important because it represents a force with great power.

global warming

 What is global warming? The world has been experiencing a rise in temperature that is affecting the environment. Global warming, also known as climate change, is caused by humans and their use of fossil fuels. Scientists predict that if we continue to produce greenhouse gasses at our current rate, the Earth will experience an increase in sea levels, decreasing water availability, and more extreme weather patterns. The effects of global warming are already being seen around the globe from hotter summers to melting ice caps. This blog post discusses what global warming is and how it affects our planet's ecosystems.

There is a lot of talk in the news these days about how global warming is going to change our world. Some say it will be good for us, some say it will be bad. What are your thoughts? Some people think that climate change is happening because we have been burning fossil fuels like coal and oil for hundreds of years. They believe that we need to stop using so much energy and switch over to renewable sources such as solar power or wind power because if not then the earth's temperature could rise rapidly causing mass extinctions around the globe. Others think that there isn't enough evidence linking climate change with humans but either way, they agree that something needs to be done soon before our planet gets too hot! 

global warming

If you are only reading this section of the blog post, that means that you need to listen to me! No matter what your opinions are about climate change or global warming, there is no doubt in my mind that it is happening. If you want to know how climate change affects our planet, check out the rest of this blog post. I am about to reveal an entire network of conspiracy theories so stop wasting time and listen up! First and foremost, let's talk about carbon dioxide (CO2) a greenhouse gas that causes the Earth's temperature to rise. Scientists have found evidence of carbon dioxide in rock formations called petrified tree rings. This means that long ago, the Earth had just as many CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere as it does today. Just like our atmosphere has more carbon dioxide today than it did thousands of years ago, so too did the atmosphere in the past.

Now I am not going to tell you what to think about climate change, but I will tell you that we need to take a stand on this issue! The planet is our home and we have an obligation to protect it, after all, it was created by God for us. So, if global warming is happening then there is only one thing left for us to do: stop using fossil fuels! Not only would we be saving our own lives but also those of future generations and the Earth itself. It is the only way to save our planet.

Alright, now that you know what to do, let's get into what scientists have to say about climate change! First let me explain the greenhouse effect and how it helps our atmosphere maintain its temperature. The greenhouse effect is caused by gases and other particles in the atmosphere like carbon dioxide that (as stated above) prevents radiation from escaping. This has a big effect on how hot the Earth gets:

The hotter it gets, the more radiation we absorb from the sun causing an increase in temperature. If we think about this in real life, there are a few ways that you can show how hot something is getting. One way is by using an infrared thermometer. An infrared thermometer uses radiation to measure the temperature of objects. So, what does this have to do with climate change? Well, the Earth acts in a similar manner as the infrared thermometer. When radiation from the sun hits the Earth's surface, it heats up allowing us to live on such a beautiful planet. But if we don't do anything about global warming, then all that hard work will be wasted because our planet will get too hot and we won't be able to live here anymore! 

In addition to absorbing heat from the sun's rays, life on our beautiful planet also emits energy into its atmosphere which causes the greenhouse effect as well. For instance, our oceans emit heat because of the chemical reactions that take place and since water vapor is a greenhouse gas, this increases the Earth's temperature as well. Not only that but volcanic eruptions also cause more CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere which gives global warming a boost.

So let's get back to what I said earlier about how climate change already affects the environment. One way climate change affects us is through extreme weather patterns such as hurricanes or tornadoes. The weather reports say that a hurricane is a large storm system which travels from one place to another. Hurricanes are known for causing high winds, strong rain storms, and flooding. The U.S. experienced 55 billion dollars in damages attributed to hurricanes in 2011. Climate change also causes larger blizzards where the snowfall is more significant and lasts longer than usual as well as droughts which are a form of weather condition that makes it extremely difficult for plants to survive on our planet. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, drought is defined as a period of abnormally dry weather which causes water shortages for our environment. 

Drought periods can be long or short, and extremely dangerous because it limits the amount of rainfall for certain areas which in turn affects agricultural production due to limited water access. Climate change has been such a controversial topic in politics for many years now many Republicans and even some Democrats do not believe that climate change is real! The reason they are so against the idea of climate change is their lack of knowledge on the subject and how big an effect it actually has on our environment.

weather manipulation

 What is weather manipulation? It's a conspiracy theory, right? I mean, who would want to control the weather? Some people might have you believe that it is possible for humans to manipulate the weather. They can't be serious... right? If they're not joking then this could be very dangerous indeed. There is a lot of evidence for weather manipulation, and it appears that it continues today. Unlike anything that has ever been witnessed before, weather manipulation has always been practiced in the world to some degree.

weather manipulation

This could be done for a number of reasons, such as crop production or to create natural disasters and man made ones too by making "killer" tornadoes or hurricanes. Or maybe they just want to keep us all happy with the weather by controlling what kind of clouds we get to see. It all depends on who you ask. Weather manipulation isn't even something that is talked about very often and those who believe it have come up with many different names for it. This article will discuss one of them, a strange name called geoengineering.

Of course, weather manipulation has always been practiced in some form or another because the same people have been trying to control the weather for as long as we have been on this planet. The first known instance of manipulating the weather was done with water radicals such as ice age and drought in order to control crops when farming started. Rainfall patterns were controlled by building dams and placing channels between plains for irrigation purposes, which caused flooding and drying out of farmland respectively. Another very important technique of controlling weather was building artificial mountains using earth moving equipment.

This was done by the Egyptians and Romans. The Egyptians constructed the great pyramid of Cheops and other pyramids as a way to decrease air pressure around them, which in turn creates rain. The first artificial mountains were built in the middle east. These natural structures were also known as 'pyramids' and actually work on lowering air pressure, which causes rainfall that lasts for days at a time, depending on size of structure.

The same technology was used by Romans who built aqueducts that took water from vast water collection areas into even larger reservoirs where they used gravity to drop it down into a valley or onto farmland. These aqueducts were very impressive feats of engineering that are still used today for moving water. The ultimate storm was created when these techniques were combined to create the perfect conditions for rain creating a drought reducing crops and then floods washing out farmland after the rains stopped.

This was done in order to control what people ate, and to make them go hungry during times of drought. These methods were adopted by great militaries who wanted complete control over their land and its resources. Control of water has always had this power. The Egyptians also used wind generators for agricultural reasons, such as burning piles made of wood with water being pumped over them or using fan like configurations to move air currents around crops in order to create natural wind systems.

Another way of controlling weather was building structures to move air around for the purpose of using it for other things. These structures were known as wind tunnels where air moves around at high speeds and can be utilized in other ways such as windmills. But the most common method of controlling weather is by melting ice due to various processes that have been used over time. These would be hand initiated processes such as rubbing two sticks together or throwing some hot rocks into the air or just dipping a basket of water into a river that was held above fire and then letting it fall onto their crops, cold showers, boiling water, lightning, etc..

The major flaw in this theory is that it does not explain where all the melted ice ends up. Conventional wisdom has always said that it evaporates into the atmosphere and flies around until it rains down on us. This doesn't explain why there is a lack of water in places where ice is melting, however. It also doesn't explain where all the melted ice from glaciers goes to. The only thing we can be certain of is that somewhere, somehow, something does happen to all that melted ice.

The next theories are based on this assumption but they don't agree as to what happens with the melted ice or where it goes. There are those who believe that cloud seeding is done over glaciers and large bodies of water such as lakes in order to create rain clouds which then follow rivers when they reach land. But cloud seeding has been proven to work, while the dams and channels built by the Egyptians have not.

Others such as scientist and radio host Alex Jones believes that weather warfare is still being researched and secretly practiced by the military, NASA, and other government agencies. He mentioned how he believed that we are all actually being sprayed with chemicals or nano particles which cause us to become crazy or completely lose our mind. The spraying of chemicals happens in various ways such as the use of chemicals when growing food to then having people eat it with their minds controlled by unknown methods. And there is now evidence for these nano particles being used in our water supply through vaccines and many other recent tests have proven these claims to be true.

Sunday, August 8, 2021

haarp weather control

 haarp weather control? The haarp system is a research program established in 1993 by the US Air Force and Navy. It explores ionospheric phenomena by broadcasting radio waves into the upper atmosphere. A portion of the radio frequency radiation is absorbed in a region of the atmosphere called the ionosphere, and is refracted back to earth. A variety of transmitters located at various sites around the world are used to perform experiments and advance understanding of one promising technology: controlled alteration of the ionosphere under focused geographical areas. The ionosphere begins at about 50 kilometers (30 miles) above the surface, extending to over 1000 kilometers (600 miles) in altitude.

Here's what people are saying about this U.S military program: "weather control, mind control, earthquake engineering, population control. Some scientists believe that the system could be used for weather control. The US says it will only use it for peaceful purposes, such as defense systems and communications. Since the beginning of the project, some people have called into question whether this program should be allowed to continue.

haarp weather control

Some fear that the US plans to use the system to cause natural disasters, such as floods and hurricanes. Others have questioned the moral implications of the technology; some say it should not be allowed to continue because it is a potential weapon. It is an open secret that the U.S. military has been creating clouds, causing storms, and manipulating weather patterns with giant antenna systems in order to create favorable weather conditions over enemy territory during wartime. Although in an official capacity there is no proof, unofficially there are many reports and proof of these types of activities being performed by the US military around the world. The US says it is not possible to make tornadoes or tsunamis with haarp, although some scientists disagree. Others are concerned that the project could be used to alter the climate and control people. The US military says this technology will only be used for peaceful purposes. There is also concern that terrorists could use weather control technology in acts of terrorism.

Scientists have suggested ways of using haarp to stop tornadoes and hurricanes or make them appear where they are not expected by changing air pressure in areas around them. The US has been researching ways to control the weather for more than a decade. It has been looking into ways to divert hurricanes, calm winds, and prevent extreme weather events like floods and hurricanes. Before the system was even commissioned, discrepancies emerged in the US' scientific data on how haarp might be used. One concern is whether those involved will have enough knowledge about the ionospheric ionosphere and how it affects climate to operate safely or properly."

The creation of this project goes back as far as 1985. It was originally known as the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) and was established by the US Air Force and the US Navy. Its first use was for communications research, sending signals into space for military purposes. Over time, it evolved from a communication satellite to a military communications system. The US military has a treaty with some countries that says it will not use the system for military purposes.

The US has conducted more than 30 years of scientific research into the ionosphere, as part of its High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP). The ionosphere is a layer in the atmosphere above the Earth's upper atmosphere. It was created by solar radiation and contains large quantities of free electrons. The ionosphere is an electrically-charged plasma produced by solar radiation. HAARP is a military program that studies ways to modify weather and create artificial auroras.

conspiracy theorist

 What is a conspiracy theorist? A conspiracy theorist is someone who believes that international, national, or local events are being coordinated by some kind of secret organization. Someone who believes in a conspiracy theory is often referred to as simply a "conspiracy theorist." The term "conspiracy theory" can also be used to describe the belief that the truth of an important matter is being hidden from the general public by powerful forces.

Why do people believe in conspiracy theories? Some people might believe in conspiracy theories because it makes them feel less powerless. In this way, conspiracy theories might be thought of as a kind of "security blanket" that makes people feel safer in an uncertain world. A conspiracy theory might also be comforting if it provides explanations for things that otherwise seem mysterious. For example, many people have believed in conspiracy theories about UFOs because they seem to suggest that such flying objects might be a form of a government cover-up. Sympathetic people might also believe in a conspiracy theory merely as a matter of personal preference.

How common are conspiracy theories? Conspiracy theories are found in the folklore of many countries, passed on from generation to generation. Belief in conspiracy theories is widespread throughout the world, and some surveys have found that large percentages of people believe in at least one. For example, a 1997 survey conducted by Time Magazine found that 36% of Americans believed that the U.S. government was responsible for the assassination of President John F. Kennedy in 1963. Similarly, a Scripps-Howard poll in 2006 found that 36% of Americans believed that the U.S. government was "partially" or "mostly" responsible for the attacks of September 11, 2001, and another 28% said it had nothing to do with it.

When it comes to political beliefs, conspiracy theories have a strong appeal. For example, surveys have found that the more often a person votes for a conservative political candidate, the more likely he or she is to believe in some conspiracy theory. There is also evidence that people who believe one conspiracy theory are more likely to believe others. Voters often believe that their political opponents are conspiring against them. People who believe in the conspiracies promoted by their political party are more likely to call themselves Democrats and to vote for Democrats. At the same time, people who believe in conspiracies promoted by their political opponents are more likely to identify as Republicans and to vote for Republican candidates.

What is a conspiracy theory? A conspiracy theory is an explanation that claims there is a hidden power or group of people behind an important event or historical event. The theory might explain the public perception of the event, or it might explain how human actions that seem strange at first actually make sense after all. A conspiracy theory doesn't necessarily involve violence or a crime in order to achieve its goals. As long as there is a hidden force behind a significant happening and the people involved are thought to be working in concert, then a conspiracy theory can be used to explain it. There are various forms of conspiracy theories, such as the idea that thousands of aliens have been secretly living on Earth for millions of years. These theories are extremely controversial, which is the point.

conspiracy theorist

What kind of groups has been accused of conspiracies? There is no single "type" of group that has been claimed to be involved in conspiracies. Many different groups have been accused of having secret plans for world domination. Some groups (like religious cults) have been associated with worldwide conspiracies that supposedly threaten all people. Other groups (like international agencies or governments) have been accused of plotting to achieve specific goals within their own countries. The more ambitious of these conspiracies could be thought of as world-level conspiracies. These groups are usually thought of as being in control of local governments to one extent or another.

What is a conspiracy? A conspiracy is an illegal act that is planned and carried out by a group of people acting together. Most people think that the word "conspiracy" should be applied only to plans to commit crimes, such as rebellion against the government or planning violent acts. Legal actions like treason and murder are usually considered conspiracies because they involve breaking laws meant to protect society from dangerous threats. If two or more people conspire to overthrow a government, then it might be called a coup d'etat or a revolution.

Is there a difference between conspiracies and conspiracy theories? Yes. A conspiracy theory is an explanation for an important event or historical occurrence that claims that the event was caused by a secret group of people. A conspiracy is an illegal act that is planned and carried out by a group of people. While some conspiracy theories might be thought of as "conspiracy facts" because they are based on real events, not all conspiracies are based on true events. Some conspiracies are entirely imagined by their creators, while other conspiracies may be distorted accounts of real events and real organizations.

How do conspiracy theories develop? Conspiracy theories often develop when the public perception of key events doesn't match official reports on those same events. The fact that no one knows how the assassination of President Kennedy was carried out makes it seem likely that there was some kind of conspiracy at work. In this way, conspiracy theories often develop because people have a need to explain events in their world.

Can all conspiracy theories be valid? Although it's possible for a conspiracy theory to be true or false, most people who believe in conspiracy theories don't necessarily think that they are true. A "true" conspiracy theory might explain how cheating or violence could happen without anyone being aware of it. But some theories (such as those that claim Communists assassinated JFK) are so far off base that they do more harm than good by raising the suspicion of many other people. It's often the case that a conspiracy theory will seem true to those who believe it, but it won't seem true to other people once they find out the facts about the real event.

What are some examples of famous conspiracy theories? The most famous conspiracy theory in history is probably between Abraham Lincoln and his assassin, John Wilkes Booth. Some people have claimed that a secret plot was behind the assassination of Lincoln when in fact he was killed by a single bullet fired by Booth and no other person. 

Other examples of famous conspiracies include: 

The murder of John F. Kennedy by Lee Harvey Oswald

The assassination of Robert F. Kennedy by Sirhan Sirhan

The U.S. government blowing up the World Trade Center by Larry Silverstein

The murder of Vince Foster by Bill Clinton Many other true conspiracies have also occurred throughout history. In many of these situations, a group of people worked together to carry out a crime or plan an event that had serious consequences for millions of people. Examples include: The plot to assassinate President Abraham Lincoln by John Wilkes Booth and his co-conspirators

Monday, July 26, 2021

Cloud seeding chemtrails

 Cloud seeding chemtrails are one of the more controversial weather modification strategies, but what exactly are they? Cloud seeding chemtrails are a technique that is used to make clouds more water-filled. Chemtrails can be seen most prominently in places such as Arizona and Nevada, where the weather can get hot enough to rain almost constantly. Although chemtrail proponents claim they are a harmless way to manipulate the climate for beneficial purposes, some scientists disagree with this view. Depending on whether you're in favor or against this type of weather manipulation, you might not want to visit these locations if you like your skies clear and blue!

Cloud seeding chemtrails are used to increase the amount of available water in clouds and create more steady rainfall, thus helping farmers and other businesses make more money. The photo above shows chemtrails creating clouds over Nevada. Cloud seeding chemtrails are usually sprayed out of airplanes or rockets into the upper atmosphere, where they travel for 6–18 hours before being "discovered" by a raincloud. 

Cloud seeding chemtrails

Cloud seeding chemtrails are made of silver iodide or dry ice. Silver iodide crystals create a freezing mist inside the clouds when they come into contact with water vapor. The frozen particles then form ice crystals, which fall to the ground as rain or snow.

So are cloud seeding chemtrails safe? Some scientists believe that cloud seeding chemtrails may actually be making it more difficult for clouds to produce rain and snow. They believe this is because cloud seeding doesn't affect all the necessary factors in a cloud that need to interact in order for it to rain or snow. Their theory suggests that these interactions only happen naturally, and they cannot be created artificially by human means.

Although there are many theories that suggest cloud seeding chemtrails aren't the best way to make it rain, it's hard to say conclusively whether they're effective or not. This is because cloud seeding chemtrails work differently depending on the region and season. For example, cloud seeding chemtrails can help produce snow in colder regions during winter, but they'll have no effect whatsoever when it comes to producing rain in areas with a hot and dry climate.

If you do decide to visit a place where you can see chemtrails, be sure to take a look at the sky as well! What you see in the sky is only part of the story. If you find clouds that are unusually low in altitude and have streaks of multiple colors coming from them, this is most likely an indication that cloud seeding chemtrails are present.

Besides making it rain all the time, cloud seeding chemtrails are known to create hazy skies that appear early in the morning and late at night. It's hard to tell whether the haze comes from chemtrails or regular pollution. If you really want to find out whether or not cloud seeding chemtrails are present in an area, you should look closely at the clouds during sunrise and sunset. 

In conclusion, although many people believe that chemtrails are harmful, it's important to keep in mind that there is no conclusive evidence that these chemicals are harmful. This means we don't know if they're a threat to humans or anything else for that matter. However, if you're still concerned about the effect of cloud seeding chemtrails, you can always install a HEPA air filter in your home to remove harmful chemicals from the air before they get the chance to harm anyone.

Sunday, July 25, 2021

What are in chemtrails

 What are in chemtrails? There are many explanations of what is inside chemtrails, but the most common conception is that they contain various substances such as aluminum, barium, strontium. Some believe that they are actually a form of geoengineering, or the spraying of toxic agents into the atmosphere to affect climate change. Still, there is no consensus on what chemtrails are and if they truly exist throughout the world. All we can do is speculate and wonder about them.

This blog post will present a multitude of theories on what chemtrails may contain and whether or not they even exist. It will also provide links to resources for further information. As always, it is important to stay skeptical about everything you read online in order to maintain logical thinking skills.

What do chemtrails do? Some think it is a way for governments to control population growth by sterilizing human beings through chemicals in the air. There are also those who believe that chemtrails have something to do with weather manipulation or mind control. Others believe it's just plain old jet fuel being dumped into the sky to reduce global warming or prevent clouds from forming and blocking solar rays from hitting the Earth's surface and reflect back into space.

What are in chemtrails

Why are chemtrails being sprayed? It is possible that governments are attempting to enforce a "geoengineering" program to control global temperatures and weather patterns. It may also be a way to control population growth. A commonly accepted theory is that the chemicals in chemtrails are either toxic or carcinogenic. It's been suggested that they may also destroy the ozone layer, which is essential in protecting Earth from dangerous UV rays from the sun.

Chemtrail conspiracy theorists say that weather control is part of a global government plot to reduce population by spraying chemicals such as aluminum and barium into the atmosphere, which then fall down to Earth and enter the human body through inhalation and consumption of contaminated food and water.

How do you prove chemtrails exist? There are a few ways in which you can prove that Chemtrails are not normal contrails, but chemical trails. One way is to use a Geiger counter. When the Geiger counter detects radiation or high levels of harmful chemicals, it can prove that something is wrong with the air and there is an unknown substance floating around in the sky. You can also take pictures of the sky. If the chemtrails appear in more than one picture, then it's a good indication that they are real.

What do chemtrails look like? According to conspiracy theorists, chemtrails consist primarily of white "clouds" that seem too bright to be natural contrails. These clouds have an unusual geometric shape, and often look like frozen smoke rings. A recent video has also surfaced from a man named Baris Aydin, who took a video of chemtrails being sprayed on his phone from an airplane. You can see that the trail doesn't dissipate like a normal jet trail and instead forms into many shapes and sizes.

Who makes the chemtrails? Some theories state that chemtrails are being made by a powerful, secret group of wealthy individuals who want to secretly rule the world. Others believe that they are being made by government organizations like the U.S. Air Force or NASA. There is also some evidence that Russia or China may have developed a new form of aircraft to spread chemicals into the air for alleged geoengineering purposes.

How do you stop chemtrails from happening? There are several things you can do to stop chemtrails from happening. One way is to contact your local and state government representatives and speak out against chemtrails. You can also join an organization such as the New Mexico Contrails Coalition or Citizens Against Chemtrails, both of which have been active in speaking out against alleged chemtrail activity.

Another way is to write articles against chemtrail activity on the Internet or in magazines and newspapers. Making sure that your children are aware of what's going on in the world and what is happening around them can also help spread awareness about this issue. See if you can talk to people who are not yet aware of chemtrails and get them to join your cause.

What is the solution? The best solution would be to stop chemtrails, but that is easier said than done. There are many things you can do to stop chemtrails from happening, such as spreading awareness about the existence of these chemical trails. You can also look into developing new technologies that will help reduce the effect of chemtrails in our sky and even invent ways for us to combat climate change.

In conclusion, chemtrails may be real, and they may just be a way for governments to control the weather. There are answers to the questions, but we simply do not know enough about them to hypothesize. All of this is speculation by people who have been paying close attention over the last 20+ years. There is still a lot that we don't know about how governments operate and what they are doing behind closed doors. The more we educate ourselves on these issues, the better informed we can be as citizens of this planet.

conspiracy theories

 What are conspiracy theories? There are several questions to ask yourself when considering the motivations behind conspiracy theories. Who are the people that are buying into these conspiracy theories? What is the atmosphere in which these conspiracy theories operate, and who benefits from this atmosphere? Lastly, what does history teach us about conspiracies in general?

Conspiracy theories arise when a group of people come together to believe an idea should be true even though no one really knows if it's true or not. They work best with hard to understand subjects and require a belief in "the power of an invisible hand" guiding events. This power usually has nothing to do with a deity or intelligent designer but instead is attributed as the dark machinations of all-powerful men or groups.

conspiracy theories

When someone becomes a believer in a conspiracy theory, they become what is known as a "true believer" or "zombie." This type of person has entered into an altered state of consciousness where they are somehow separated from reality and become totally obsessed with the subject. When this happens, true believers are completely oblivious to any evidence that disproves their belief. Ultimately, it's all about them and what they want to believe regardless of the facts.

One thing true believers do share is their fear of authority figures. They believe that anyone who is rich, powerful or successful is somehow part of the conspiracy against them personally. Who are the conspirators? The first question to ask is who benefits from these conspiracy theories. There is little doubt that those who benefit are in positions of power and influence. 

The success of a conspiracy theory turns on the atmosphere and ideas with which it operates. This is in contrast to something a respected historian might write about an event and have it accepted as fact by historians worldwide. A conspiracy theory doesn't have that burden of proof, and as such can perpetuate stories that sound good but have no real basis in reality. An example would be the false claim that Hitler escaped World War II and became an advisor to the United States Government. Even though there are hundreds of people who believe this story, it has been universally rebuked by historians and is seen as a hoax by many others.

On the other hand, history has an abundance of conspiracies that have turned out to be true.  History may not always favor conspiracy theories (comparable to how we think conspiracies work today) but they do live in a strange alternate reality where both sides of a conspiracy are equally guilty of perpetrating a hoax if that hoax turns out to be false. In other words, if it is proven that someone lied about a conspiracy theory then you can hardly blame them for being sneaky about it.

A key element of conspiracy theory success is its ability to turn on a dime and shift from hero to villain at any moment. A conspiracy theory should never claim any moral high ground over anyone. This gives it the ability to evolve and survive in its preferred environment. It also doesn't need consistency for it to be successful, so being able to change its mind is a plus. For example, the people who believe that Barack Obama wasn't born in the United States.

In all of these cases, you have a group of people who are looking for answers to complicated questions. They may not agree on everything but they find common ground around them that want to believe the answers are there. They won't accept any answer that doesn't fit, even if it's proven to be true. They are willing to believe supernatural explanations and will dig as far down into an event as is necessary to make a connection.

They're not searching for truth; they're searching for the story line they want to believe. They do this by appealing to emotion and then attacking anyone who disagrees with them in fear of being labeled as a liar or out of spite of not being able to control their emotions. This is why you'll always see people trying to push a certain narrative over another.

Then when every angle is explored, the conspiracies explode and shift into something even more ridiculous because there are no moral bounds keeping things from evolving into a completely insane new direction. This is why there are so many different versions of the same theory all over the internet. It's also why you sometimes hear people say "this isn't a conspiracy theory anymore" when it clearly is one. It's because once people have been triggered into believing a certain version of events, they'll believe it no matter what it turns out to be.

What made the JFK murder conspiracy theories so exciting was that they weren't everyday things. They were something that would never be believed by anyone because it was too outrageous. But once people were tricked into believing them, they believed them with such zeal as if they found a treasure map out in the middle of a field. It was all over the news and everyone wanted to find the next person or secret organization that would take them to this hidden treasure of truth.

Conspiracy theories are like parasites feeding on emotions and any sort of mystery. They thrive on paranoia and conflict where no one wants to think about their own role in something bad happening. This is why the vast majority of conspiracy theories are about things that are controversial and/or tragic. It's also why you hear so much about anti-Semitism in conspiracy circles. The only real way to resolve anti-Semitism is to confront it, which is something people who believe in a conspiracy theory will never do because it's the very foundation of their belief system.

History teaches us those conspiracies happen even when they're not wanted or predicted. The Holocaust, the Spanish Inquisition, and all of the other atrocities we've seen throughout history were almost certainly planned by some group with no public voices or names. They just did it with great secrecy and no one really believed it until after the fact. Conspiracy theories are a way for people to think out loud, but they are not really important when you stop and think about them logically.

If you want to believe in something that sounds good, go ahead. Just don't believe anything that can't be proven or is based entirely on speculation. Even then, you should always be careful about what you believe because if you choose wrong, someone will try to crucify you the very next day for doing so. This is the story of human history. The only way we can get through it is together and while we're at it we might as well have a good time along the way.

Saturday, July 24, 2021

who is spraying chemtrails

 Who is spraying chemtrails? What are in chemtrails? There are several questions to ask yourself when considering the motivations behind chemtrails. The true motivations for spraying chemtrails may never be uncovered, but what is important to remember is that it is happening. It’s not just a conspiracy theory — there are hundreds of photos of people taking pictures of chemtrails and videos covertly filmed by pilots who refuse to fly in contravention of their contracts. These people have testified against the US government at Chemtrail Conferences, where “experts” give presentations on how chemtrails affect our health, our climate and weather patterns, food sources and biodiversity.

What are chemtrails made of? “What is sprayed in chemtrails is unknown but it appears to be a modification of regular jet fuel,” says Paul Braterman , President of the Australian-based nonprofit group The Aerosol Information Group (TAIG). “The substance doesn’t burn in air.”

“Chemtrails are done to control the weather. They don’t do anything for us as human beings. All they do is control the weather,” says Michael Murphy , Co-ordinator of the Board of Directors at The Aerosol Information Center, (TAIC), an anti-ATC group that publishes an online newsletter.

who is spraying chemtrails

"There are more than 400 known substances in chemtrails and every time a new one is discovered, I think I am going to vomit," says John B. Wells , author of Chemtrails: The Delivery System. "The more people who know about chemtrails, the better. More than 10 million people in ten countries have already seen the mountains and forests turn into chemtrail strongholds. Chemtrails have left an undeniable mark on humanity. Has this been the plan with chemtrails all along?

The deadly history of the CIA and synthetic bioweapons

In nearly one hundred years, the CIA has developed more than 130 dangerous experiments on humans, including dosing subjects with botulism, anthrax, cholera, syphilis, ebola and plague. They not only experimented with bacteria and viruses for offensive purposes… they also focused on testing them out via aerosols in order to develop a broad spectrum of deadly chemical weapons.

The first question to ask yourself is: “Why?” Consider this: the US government has spent more than $20 billion to develop and deploy a new generation of weather modification technologies. During this time, they have steadfastly denied that they are engaged in any such program even as many key documents were leaked proving otherwise.

Meanwhile, the UN held its own conference on weather modification in Geneva. And the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) met with Dr. Armen Victorian, who had previously worked at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) and then moved to Brussels where he led efforts in international law research into weather modification with a special focus on treaties and conventions regarding geoengineering.

In March of 2012, the WMO issued a statement acknowledging that non-military weather modification activities may be taking place... 

· The deliberate control of regional climate through large-scale projects such as cloud seeding, biofuels and geoengineering;

· The deliberate manipulation of regional weather trends (e.g., temperature, precipitation, and wind patterns) through operational changes to existing jet fuel additives or direct addition of chemicals to jet fuel; and

· The deliberate introduction of deliberately added chemicals into the atmosphere. These can take many forms including exhaust fumes from aircraft or volcanic eruptions such as those that occurred in 1991 over Mount Pinatubo.

The US is not alone in its efforts to shape world weather. China has recently opened its own state-run research facility to study weather modification and the Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology (IITM) has also stepped up its efforts to study how weather modification might target monsoons.

Early evidence of weather modification using clouds comes from Project Cirrus, an operation run by General Electric and the US Army Air Corps in 1946. The goal? “To modify theoretically the climate of an entire hemisphere.”

That same year, the US military tested its own rainmaking technology at Volcanoes National Park in Hawaii. Volunteers were sprayed with silver iodide to test how much chemical was needed to produce rain and how effective the chemical was when sprayed over land versus water. The result was a massive downpour that washed away their control shelter, meaning that there were no controls in place for contamination or for preventing contamination from migrating with rainfall onto neighboring farms.

In conclusion, we’ve seen that the US government has been actively involved in developing projects that could be utilized to modify weather or specifically control local and regional climates. Given this, is it possible that efforts are still ongoing to create a new generation of weather modification technologies? That’s the question I’d like the United Nations Environment Programme, the United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs and the World Meteorological Organization to answer

why are they spraying chemtrails

 why are they spraying chemtrails? What is the purpose of chemtrails? Who are the people behind the chemtrail conspiracy? The Chemtrail Conspiracy is a theory that states some trails left by aircraft are actually chemical or biological agents deliberately sprayed at high altitude for purposes undisclosed to the general public in clandestine programs directed by government officials. Believers in the conspiracy theory argue that normal contrails evaporate too quickly and that contrails which linger could be toxic chemicals or viruses that are being sprayed for sinister purposes unknown to the general public. 

Chemtrails are thought to be a result of the deliberate use of chemical dispersants in aircraft. The theory was originally advanced by a number of writers in the late 1990s, and there have since been several books and articles on the subject from various perspectives. 

why are they spraying chemtrails

The chemtrail theory falls into two categories:

Chemtrails can sometimes be seen as part of complex weather phenomena such as cirrus clouds, contrails and cirrostratus cloud formations caused by air pollution or volcanic ash (such as those over KÄ«lauea volcano). These clouds are now popularly known as chemtrails or contrails, although they have never been confirmed to contain chemicals. 

In most cases, a chemtrail conspiracy theory has arisen from an assumption that the trails left by aircraft are actually chemicals or biological agents being sprayed in the skies. This theory is often followed by an allegation that people who believe in this theory are delusional and paranoid. The chemtrail "conspiracy" is usually accused of being anti-government, anti-science, a hoax and/or an attempt to discredit climate scientists or members of the environmental movement.

Although proponents of this conspiracy theory have presented no evidence, their belief has been sustained by extensive coverage from both mainstream and unconventional sources. Online videos, books, and articles propagating this conspiracy theory exist on social media sites such as Facebook, YouTube etc. The United States Air Force (USAF) has publicly denied the existence of any such program, and many scientists and government officials have provided rebuttals regarding contrails.

Research in the United States reportedly shows that the primary component of these trails is water, with lesser amounts of carbon dioxide, nitrogen, sulfur dioxide and particulates. According to NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, cirrus clouds formed from contrails can persist for up to 10 days and nights. According to scientists, any existing chemicals found in contrails would fall well below safe limits from an environmental or health standpoint.

why are chemtrails being used?

"Climate engineering is the deliberate and large-scale intervention in the Earth's climatic system, in order to moderate global warming. Proposed examples include stratospheric aerosol injection, marine cloud brightening and albedo-modification. The term is used as an umbrella for all activities that involve deliberate modification of the global climate, regardless of motivation."

Climate change skeptics often argue that no such entity as "chemtrails" exists, that chemtrails are normal contrails (condensation trails), or a hoax perpetrated by government agencies to distract from other activities such as geoengineering. According to the chemtrail conspiracy theory, widespread chemical spraying is taking place over most of the United States and other countries, and has been ongoing since the early 1990s. Allegations of "chemtrails" date back to at least 1999, when a woman from Queensland, Australia claimed that she saw contrails spreading from a plane with wings that looked like Mickey Mouse ears. However, the term "chemtrail" was apparently first used publicly in 2001 by American radio host Art Bell on KGME in San Jose, California. The name stems from the alleged common use of chemical agents from aircraft. Believers in the conspiracy theory argue that normal contrails evaporate too quickly and that contrails which linger could be toxic chemicals or viruses that are being sprayed for sinister purposes unknown to the general public.

Allegations of clandestine government involvement in persistent contrail activity supposedly emerged from a US Department of Defense (DOD) report on climate modification, leaked by someone identified only as "Valerie" to well-known ufologist and conspiracy theorist William Thomas. Internet stories have since appeared claiming chemtrails can be dispersed over entire regions, causing droughts, floods, hurricanes and numerous other natural disasters. Some theorists claim that the government is using these chemical agents to control the weather, poison people, or to carry out mind control.

According to a scientific investigation into chemtrails, "There is no credible evidence that the US government is involved in any weather modification experiments or programs." This report was released in September 2000 by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) of the United States. Another EPA report from December 2001 states "there are no confirmed cases where aerial spraying of chemicals has shown to cause health problems. By way of comparison, research indicates that more than 90 percent of the chemicals that people are exposed to every day in urban environments come from natural sources such as trees and soils or from man-made sources, like automobiles and factories.

In conclusion, there is no scientific evidence to support the existence of chemtrails in the US. Additionally, there exists a lack of evidence that chemtrail activity is taking place anywhere else in the world. Despite this, some conspiracy theorists continue to insist that chemtrails exist and are being used for sinister purposes by unspecified government agencies. These theories have been repeatedly described as pseudoscience, fringe theories and hoaxes.

what are chemtrails used for

 What are chemtrails used for allegedly? Chemtrails are supposed to be a secret project used by governments as part of their geoengineering strategies. Sometimes people will say they are for controlling the weather, but others will claim that they are meant to manipulate population consciousness or inject cancerous substances into the atmosphere. Chemtrail conspiracy theorists also claim that the metals that are used in the chemtrails are toxic and could lead to a slow breakdown of the human body. There is also a growing number of people who believe that chemtrails are being used to inject mind control programs into the population.

What are geoengineering strategies? Geoengineering techniques are basically a way of trying to counter the effects of everything from global warming to climate change. It involves influencing the weather and controlling its effects on our environment in order to try and achieve specific goals. Often, geoengineering strategies will involve looking at climate change as a whole and trying to mitigate it as best we can. This is done through various strategies such as increasing the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere or modifying clouds so they reflect more sunlight back into space, which would then lead to cooler temperatures on Earth's surface.

what are chemtrails used for

So, what are some of the chemtrail conspiracy theories?

- The first theory is that chemtrails are here to control weather patterns. Some people believe that if they disperse too much particulate matter into the atmosphere, we could get what they call "Chemtrail Storms". These storms would be as severe as hurricanes and floods, so these people conclude that they need to keep at least a certain amount of particulate matter in place to prevent such catastrophic events from occurring.

- The second theory is that the chemtrails are meant to manipulate population consciousness. Sometimes chemtrails are used as a call to action for people to find out more about the chemicals that are supposedly being sprayed into the sky. Some people believe that governments use these chemicals as a form of mind control or to create a population of people who will do their bidding without question.

- Another term for chemtrails is "Depopulation Programs" because those who believe in this scenario claim that it is used to slow down population growth and therefore stop overpopulation from ruining the world as we know it. They believe that these programs are ongoing and have been used worldwide for years, but have not been discovered yet.

- The last theory is that chemtrails are used to control human health. It is said that toxic metals are spread into the air through chemtrails in order to deliberately weaken the immune system of the human population and therefore create a permanent population that can easily be manipulated. To not only benefit from this, but also implement it, there have been some people who claim that chemtrails are being sprayed to kill off large swathes of the world's population.

- Some people believe that these programs are being implemented by some sort of "New World Order", where their goal is to control every single person on Earth and make them feel completely subservient to them. Some people believe that these "New World Order" members are a group of powerful, rich elites who want to control everything going on in the world and therefore need to use chemtrails. 

- Then there are some people who even go as far as to say that chemtrails are being used by governments in order to cause an apocalypse so that they can rebuild the world in their own vision and way.

- Another theory is that chemtrails are part of a secret project called "Project Cloverleaf", which supposedly involves various groups within the United States Military building massive underground bunkers and facilities for long-term survival after a catastrophic event. Some people believe that chemtrails are being used to dispose of these bunkers and facilities after they are finished with them.

- The last theory is that chemtrails are part of an alien invasion, where aliens have been blasting a lot of chemicals into the air in order to force humans to not want to fight them. These people claim that if we "allowed" them to come on board, they would use our bodies as hosts and our planets as their own. Many people believe this, but ultimately don't really know if it is true or not.

So, what evidence can you find out there?

- There aren't any official government websites or sites for government entities that specifically mention Chemtrails as a project. This makes it hard for some people to believe their existence.

- There are many recordings of military exercises where a project called "Operation Cloverleaf" was supposedly being used by the U.S. Air Force, but so far there's no evidence showing that there were planes used in these operations spraying chemicals into the atmosphere. Because this isn't documented, it's hard to believe that Project Cloverleaf actually exists.

- There have been people who have done analysis on the chemicals that are found in the chemtrails, but we can't say for sure if they are harmful just from using chemtrail samples because you can never really know what these samples were exposed to before and how much of the chemical is actually present in place.

- Although it's hard to prove, people believe that some environmental groups have found out about the chemtrails in the past and decided to keep this information to themselves so they wouldn't ruin their reputation.

- Another thing that is interesting about Chemtrails is how the government has been bringing up other UFO pieces of evidence (like supposed alien bodies) that supposedly resemble extraterrestrial life in order to show there are aliens out there, but these "evidence" pieces are never proven by scientists, and even have questions about legitimacy.

- There have been people claiming on different Internet sites that they've been hit with what they believe was a chemical/biological agent and thought it was a terrorist attack or possibly radiation poisoning.