Tuesday, June 15, 2021


 What are contagions? Contagions are diseases that are spread by direct contact with an infected person or animal. Other factors such as contact with contaminated inanimate objects or indirect transmission via vectors, for example, mosquitoes, can also facilitate transmission. Contagions that are transmitted by bites from arthropods like mosquitoes and ticks have been associated with a variety of diseases, including the West Nile Virus.

What is the difference between a contagious disease and an infectious disease?

A contagious disease is one that is spread physiologically through direct contact with an infected person or animal; this differs from an infectious disease that spreads through more remote means such as the airborne transmission of germs (e.g., influenza).


What are the vectors of disease? Vectors are bugs or animals that spread diseases. Some common vectors include mosquitoes (malaria, yellow fever), flies and rats (typhus), and ticks (Lyme disease).

What is a reservoir? A reservoir is an environment in which an infectious agent normally lives. For example, mosquitos are reservoirs for malaria.

How does a pathogen move from one person to another? A pathogen can move from one person to another through direct contact with infected people, by shedding virus or bacterial cell contents into the air, by arthropod bites, or indirectly via food and water supplies.

How can you stop the transmission of disease? A number of precautions can be taken to avoid the transmission of contagions. Care must be taken to not touch or come into contact with an infected person. People with contagious diseases must quarantine themselves, i.e., stay away from others until they are no longer contagious. If people must interact with those who are infected, they should wear gloves and protective clothing or masks, and wash their hands frequently. Infected house pets can be quarantined to prevent disease transmission via bites they might make, and infected animals that are killed by hunters should be handled carefully so as to avoid disease transmission through blood or fluids on the hunter's clothes or skin.

Contagious Diseases

Diseases that are spread by direct contact with an infected person or animal are considered contagious. The following is an alphabetical list of some infectious diseases that are caused by viruses: Ebola Virus Disease (EVD), HIV/AIDS, influenza, measles, mumps, rubella, smallpox, West Nile Virus (WNV), and Yellow Fever. Diseases that can be transmitted by contact with contaminated objects are also considered contagious: Anthrax, botulism (food poisoning), brucellosis (undulant fever), and tetanus. Arthropod-borne diseases are also considered contagious because they can spread through bites. Examples include malaria and Lyme disease.

Infectious Diseases

Diseases that are spread through indirect contact with infected agents, rather than direct contact with an infected person or animal are considered infectious. The following is an alphabetical list of some infectious diseases: Anthrax, botulism (food poisoning), brucellosis (undulant fever), cholera, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD), Ebola Virus Disease (EVD), HIV/AIDS, Legionnaires' disease, leprosy, malaria, measles, mumps, rubella, smallpox, syphilis, tuberculosis, and yellow fever. There are three types of infectious diseases: Arthropod-borne Diseases, Waterborne Diseases, and Foodborne Diseases.

Arthropod-Borne Diseases

Arthropods such as mosquitoes transmit some infectious diseases. These include several viruses spread by mosquitoes such as: dengue fever, encephalitis A through E, Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV), Kyasanur Forest disease (KFD), St. and West Nile Virus. Note that some of the pathogens that cause the infectious diseases listed above can also cause contagious diseases.


What are toxins? They're anything in your body that isn't a hormone or a vitamin. These toxins, like heavy metals, pollutants, and food additives, can be found in soil and water as well as the foods you eat. They also turn up in your urine, especially if you are drinking excessive amounts of coffee or alcohol. Toxins affect every system of your body — the brain and central nervous system most of all — which is why they're so dangerous.

Toxins are everywhere but usually don't have any effect on people who aren't eating a balanced diet with lots of fruits and vegetables on it. The more processed your diet is (and the less natural), the greater chance you have of developing health problems because those toxins accumulate over time. It's almost impossible to avoid getting toxins into your body, but you can minimize the damage by eating a healthy diet, limiting consumption of sugar and alcohol, and drinking lots of water. Your body will naturally detoxify toxins from your system as long as you get plenty of rest.


How do you detoxify the body?

The body can naturally detoxify itself by:

Sweating. Just when you thought sweating was good only when it was hot out, here's another way to make use of your sweat glands. When toxins are released during a sauna or steam bath, they're likely to be expelled in sweat. This helps cleanse the body and eliminates chemicals from artificial fragrances in cosmetics and other personal care products.

Breathing deeply. Oxygen is an essential element for life, but it also has a detoxifying effect on the body as well, helping to remove harmful chemicals from your lungs and bloodstream that cause inflammation throughout your entire system.

Urinating. The kidneys have an important role to play in your overall detoxification process by filtering out harmful toxins from the blood.

Feeling good. This is an age-old concept that doesn't seem to have changed even now that we're told about toxins. When you feel good on the inside and have peace of mind, you're less likely to feel anxious or physically stressed.

Eating healthy food. If your body is full of toxic chemicals, it will leave you feeling fatigued and run down. Eating a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean meats, fish, poultry and low-fat dairy products will provide nutrients that make your body more resistant to the harmful effects of substances like heavy metals.

Being physically active. Exercise helps detoxify your system by getting oxygen flowing through the system and speeding up circulation in your cells.

Reducing stress. Stress can create a chemical imbalance in your body, which can lead to toxins getting into your system.

Keeping up with the latest research on toxins and other topics such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's disease, and many cancers. This will help you make the most of information that is released about how toxins affect you each day. The more you know about them, the better you'll be able to maintain balance in your life.

You may not be able to avoid all toxins in the environment or food supply right now, but being informed of what's harmful is a good thing because it will enable you to better protect yourself from chemicals that fill your life with adverse effects every day.

Chemtrails  toxins: The Chemtrails Conspiracy

Of all the conspiracy theories concerning the effects of toxic residue in the atmosphere, the chemtrails conspiracy theory has been most persistent. Chemtrails, or geoengineering, involves spraying a fine mist of chemicals from aircraft and satellites into the atmosphere in order to affect weather patterns and even control the global climate. While many in mainstream science believe that these official programs are part of a natural process rather than an attempt to control humanity by causing climate change and other earth-altering phenomena (see Geoengineering Could Trigger New Ice Age), others claim that those same programs contain synthetic poisons that have serious negative effects on human health.

How Chemtrails Work

The first conspiracy theory surrounding chemtrails hinged on the claim that the trails were composed of deadly chemicals that corporations were using to control the population in a plot to make money. These theories claimed that chemicals such as barium, aluminum, strontium, and sulfur were being sprayed into the stratosphere. This was said to cause humans respiratory problems and other medical issues. Despite repeated denials from NASA, these theories persist. Some theorists even believe that chemtrails are tied to weather control over certain parts of the world. Some even go so far as to claim that chemtrails are part of a secret government plot, with the goal being either population control or moneymaking.

biological agents

What are biological agents? They're organisms that cause injury or death to a human, animal, or plant. Some of the most common biological agents are bacteria, viruses, parasites, and toxins. In this post, we're going to go over some specific examples of biological agents. We'll also talk about how you can protect yourself from these organisms in the future.

toxins: A toxin is a poisonous substance that is released by some plants, animals, and microorganisms.

parasites: These are organisms that live and feed off another life form. There are many different kinds of parasites, some of which cause disease or even death (e.g., malaria, pinworms). Viral infections and bacterial diseases are examples of such parasites.

bacteria: Bacteria are single-cell organisms that can exist in many forms (e.g., as a cell wall or as smaller "groups" called bacteria-like structures). Most bacteria use the energy from your body to grow and reproduce. Some bacteria have been used for centuries in the medical profession to treat certain diseases. Bacterial infections include pneumonia, tuberculosis, and cholera.

viruses: Viruses are the smallest biological agents. They're made of a small amount of genetic material (DNA or RNA) enclosed by a protein coat. Viruses can't reproduce on their own, so they rely on the cells of living organisms to produce more viruses. Viruses cause other types of diseases, including SARS and HIV/AIDS. To protect yourself against viruses, you should wash your hands frequently.

biological agents

Here's a list of the top 10 biological agents around the world that you should be aware of:

1) Bacillus anthracis: Anthrax is caused by inhaling aerosolized Bacillus anthracis spores. Infection with this agent can lead to metritis and various forms of septicemia in humans. The disease starts with flu-like symptoms which progress into necrotizing pneumonia and end with severe intestinal bleeding.

2) Botulinum toxin: This is commonly known as Botulism. Humans are exposed when eating improperly canned foods which contain a high concentration of the toxin or by getting in contact with the bacteria itself. The initial symptoms are identical to those of food poisoning and include vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, and weakness. Over the next 24 to 36 hours the patient will progress to double and blurred vision, difficulty swallowing, dry mouth, slurred speech, difficulty moving muscles of affected limbs, and a loss of consciousness.

3) Burkholderia pseudomallei: This bacterium is best known for causing Melioidosis which occurs when in contact with soil containing contaminated water. It's a Gram-negative bacterium that can cause pneumonia, skin abscesses, and various types of septicemia in humans.

4) Brucella species: Brucellosis is caused by inhaling contaminated dust or eating contaminated infected animal products. This agent is transmitted from animals to humans. The most common symptoms are arthritis, fever, sweats, and weight loss which may lead to chronic pain and progressive weakness.

5) Clostridium botulinum: This organism produces the world's most toxic substance known as Botulinum toxin. It's a gram-positive rod in which 2 toxins are produced at different temperatures (a proteolytic toxin and a neurotoxin). Symptoms of exposure include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, weakness, dizziness, double vision or loss of vision. The toxin affects the nervous system and can lead to respiratory paralysis and death.

6) Cowpox virus: This virus is usually spread through direct contact with animals to humans. In larger quantities, it may be transmitted when the virus is in contact with broken skin or mucus membranes. It has a high mortality rate if not treated appropriately. Familiarize yourself with any lesions caused by this agent as it causes similar symptoms as smallpox (blisters that turn into scabs).

7) Francisella tularensis: This bacterium can cause tularemia which is transmitted through water or food contaminated with animal waste. Tularemia is generally spread through inhalation. The most common symptoms are high fever, headache, vomiting, chills, and weakness.

8) Haemophilus influenza type B: This bacterium is one of the most common causes of bacterial meningitis in people with compromised immune systems. It can be transmitted through contaminated hands and has many other associated symptoms such as earache, headache, and swelling of the face or lower jaw.

9) Klebsiella pneumoniae; This bacterium affects the respiratory tract causing pneumonia which can progress to a necrotizing process where tissue necrosis occurs which results in shortness of breath and fever. An abscess may also form in the lung if left untreated.

10) Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare: This bacterium can cause lung infections and respiratory failure. It is generally a slow growing infection but is extremely infectious. Symptoms include cough, fever, and painful, swollen lymph nodes in the neck.

11) Nocardia asteroids: This bacterium primarily causes pneumonia which generally results in death if not treated appropriately within six weeks of contraction. Symptoms will range from fever and chills to muscle aches to shortness of breath and coughing. The symptoms are often confused with flu and some patients may suffer a rapid deterioration of health without a diagnostic test due to the speed at which the disease progresses.

How to protect from biological agents?

There are a few things that you can do to protect yourself from biological agents.

1) Be aware of the 11 Most Dangerous Biological Agents. This is a list of the top agents to know about and their symptoms so that you can identify them or know what steps to take if you suspect that you've been exposed.

2) Follow these basic Biological Agent Protection tips. This includes the steps of knowing how each agent spreads, how to identify the symptoms, what steps to take if you are exposed (like wearing gloves and a face mask), and what to do if someone is exposed (like washing your hands).

3) Practice good hygiene. Washing your hands frequently will help reduce the risk of transmitting harmful organisms.

The threat of a biological attack is very real and is something that you should take seriously. Knowing what to do if this occurs can help you protect yourself and those that you love as well as your community and the greater population. While you may not be able to completely stop an attack, following these steps can at least reduce the impact on your body so that it doesn't affect you as long or have as many symptoms as if you were taken over by surprise.

New World Order

 What is New World Order? The New World Order is a term used to describe an international government made up of different countries and organizations. The New World Order will be able to control the population through fear and dominating nations.

The goal of any NWO is that no person is free from the influence of " The Beast" aka "The One" as they will be either an agent or someone who has been brainwashed into submission. Achieving this, NWO plans for world domination through military force. This type of government should not exist in our society because it puts every person at risk with no way to escape them.

New World Order

Movement of the New World Order:

The New World Order has been moving toward its goal for a long time, even before the American Revolution. The movement has been slow and steady, gaining a hold over many global institutions. The United Nations makes up a big part of this organization. It is used as a stepping stone towards world domination in which will help pave the way for other countries to slowly join into this union.

The UN was founded back in 1945 as the platform for President Franklin Roosevelt to bring together nations to be able to provide collective security in order to prevent another scuffle like The Second World War. The UN was originally based on the idea of common values for all mankind. This was a great start, but it still remained in the hands of the various countries to control, in which they do not share their power. "The Beast" (aka The One) is slowly being able to take control over the UN, aided by world leaders who are aware of his plan for world domination.

The United States has always been the main player when it comes to efforts towards NWO. Many presidents over the years have pushed the movement forward towards peace and prosperity for all mankind. In the U.S., our presidents are all controlled by "The Beast" who controls them to follow his plan. Only when they serve his interests do they become leaders, but it is not until after they die that they ever become former presidents. "The Beast" requires someone who is in control of the world for him to take over and use as a puppet. He needs somebody he trusts who will spread his domination through fear and control tactics as well as making use of religion to control more people and gain more followers through this farce known as religion.

We have been told that there is only one god, godhead or The One, which is a lie. There are many gods in the heavens, so many that have no power at all except for their ability to deceive us. They use "Faith" as a tool to control people and gain their power through fear. They make use of the "Thought Police" to control people's thoughts and protect their agenda. They have used such tactics for centuries and many years before the existence of The United Nations.

The UN is divided into 3 different bodies:

There is a Security Council which has been maintained for over 60 years which consists 7 countries; Five permanent members (France, United Kingdom, U.S., Russia, China), One non-permanent member (Germany). The UN has a General Assembly which is the main body of the United Nations with 193 members, and its president is elected by the assembly for a period of two years. The Security Council consists of 15 members of which 5 are permanent, while 10 are elected for 2-year terms.

The ECOSOC (Economic & Social Council) is not very useful because it only consists of 54 countries and meets every year, mostly to discuss issues related to international economic and social problems as well as to make policies on them. This council also holds conferences on specific topics related to world security and other issues that affect the UN's political agenda. Its decisions are not binding and therefore cannot be applied to any member of the UN, but it does play a major role in setting rules and regulations on topics such as human rights, world economy, etc.

The UN also consists of the "International Court of Justice" which is a judicial court that decides on legal disputes between nations and enforces international law. The "International Criminal Court", also known as "ICC" is an arm of the UN that brings charges against those who commit war crimes and other crimes against humanity. Now with the creation of this court, there is no doubt that they will likely find themselves in trouble if they don't stop starting wars overseas.

A New World Order can mean different things to different people. The information above is one interpretation. The term is often applied to a certain group of people or organizations who share a common goal: the establishment of global dominance through the development and control of an international economy. It is also used to describe a similar agenda which involves the formation of a global political authority, global banking, a global legal system, and an international "police force" operated by the UN.

The term New World Order is used to describe this movement and the possible methods it may use to reach global dominance. The idea has existed for centuries, but was given its most popular focus by President George Bush in his State of the Union address of January 1991 where he said "we can see beyond the present shadows of war in the Middle East to a new world order..."

Monday, June 14, 2021

Climate Change

Climate Change is a very complex topic and it has many different theories, opinions, and interpretations. All of these ideas have been discussed for years. In this article, I am going to discuss what climate change is and how it might affect you personally.

Climate Change is a phenomenon where the earth's temperature rises due to carbon dioxide from fossil fuel burning or other sources. It has already caused an increase in extreme weather events such as heatwaves, drought, heavy rainstorms, flooding, and melting ice glaciers which lead to sea-level rise. Many people are starting to take action to protect the environment in order to reduce the impacts of climate change on their lives.

Climate Change

Global warming occurs all over the world and affects all areas. You might think that it will only happen in places like the Arctic. However, you can see changes in your local area too, even if you are not affected by global warming at this moment. Here are some examples of how climate change might affect you:

Increase in Extreme Weather Events: Since 2001, there has been a 25 percent increase in extreme rainfall events worldwide, with both hot and cold episodes becoming more frequent and intense.

More Rainfall: Every month since March 2015 has seen above-average rainfall in parts of the UK. Last year was the wettest year on record for England, and we have seen more than 20 flood warnings issued since 1 June 2016.

Warmer winters: UK winter temperatures have risen by 1.1ºC in the last 30 years, which means that we average up to three more days a year over 15ºC than 30 years ago.

Fresher summers: In the summer months, you might remember how cool you felt due to the wind blowing around us? Cool winds coming across from the Atlantic could be reduced by 10% over time due to climate change, making summer feel slightly warmer.

Effects of Climate Change: As climate change affects the environment, it allows pests and diseases to thrive.

Struggle Against Invasive Species: Invasive species are plants and animals that have been introduced to a new place by people, and then spread very quickly, causing problems for the native environment. These types of species are often accidentally spread by humans through transport vehicles like trains or planes. Everything from insects such as the locusts (which eat crops) to popular pets like cats (who kill native wildlife) can be invasive. This is why we need laws against transporting these types of species across national borders.

An example of this was when the harlequin ladybird was accidentally introduced to North America from Asia in 1916 and is now one of the most invasive species in Europe.

Dr Cindy Lee Van Dijk, Senior Lecturer in Conservation Biology at Keele University said "Over the past decade I have seen a huge increase in interest from scientists and other academics about climate change." She also said this has sparked a growing interest in environmental issues including climate change.

Although climate change may seem like an issue that will only affect future generations, there are things we can do now to stop it from getting worse. The British Trust for Ornithology found that, if we continue to emit greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide, it could increase the risk of species extinction. If we don’t do anything about climate change, it will be much harder to stop things like this from happening.

Weather modification

Weather modification is the deliberate attempt to reduce weather effects or change the weather, usually to improve a situation. For example, cloud seeding with silver iodide can increase precipitation and snowfall. Weather modification is more common in developing nations due to its economic costs.

If you've ever watched an apocalyptic film and panicked about the ice-cube-like rain pouring down around you, you're not alone. Weather modification is still relatively new in terms of technology but it's becoming increasingly prevalent as people look for ways to improve natural disasters or combat global warming on a personal level.

Weather modification

Here are the most common weather modification technologies:

1. Cloud Seeding:  This is one that's used a lot. Silver iodide can be sprinkled on clouds to create rain or snow artificially. Cloud seeding can be useful for agriculture but it's also used in some instances to fight flooding. For example, the US Army funded tests that helped save the city of Fort Collins, Colorado from flooding each year for 18 years —all thanks to cloud seeding technology! The idea here is to help with precipitation and flooding but deny rainfall over large areas by releasing silver iodine into a cloud so that it will break into smaller droplets and fall instead of rain or snow. The military also uses it to boost precipitation and break up the jet-stream.

2. Fog Seeding:  Just as cloud seeding increases precipitation, fog seeding can do the same but on fog. This is useful in situations where you need a more immediate effect or for shorter amounts of time. For example, farmers can use this technology to reduce the amount of fertilizer needed on their fields or trees during extremely dry seasons.

3. Glace Ice Seeding:  Rapid ice melt is a problem that's hurting the environment and one that we (humans) are largely causing with global warming, particularly in arctic regions. Ice seeding is a way to combat rapid ice melt and it's done by spreading dispersal agents on surfaces so that the water will freeze more quickly. Similar to the ice-cube-like rain mentioned at the beginning, it can be used to keep roads from icing over (adding traction) or keep bodies of water from freezing over completely.

4. Rain Enhancement:  This is similar to cloud seeding but involves raising the temperature of air masses in order for clouds to form better (instead of silver iodide). This reduces the amount of time it takes for precipitation to form and can be especially useful in killing outbreaks of West Nile Virus, malaria, and other mosquito-borne illnesses. In Florida, for example, a single rain enhancement test in 2003 killed more than 19 million mosquitoes instantly!

5. Snow Seeding:  This technology has been around for a long time but it's become especially popular recently in regions like the Pacific Northwest due to climate change and the current lack of snowfall.

You may be thinking: Wait a minute? If we're already causing so much damage with climate change, why would we need to mess around with the weather? And that's a fair question. While we know there will be some instances where people will get hurt or even killed, the worst-case scenario is that we're inadvertently messing with the weather. This goes for cloud seeding at best and more like a small part of climate change at worst. Let's think back to that study I mentioned earlier, which showed that we could increase precipitation in certain regions by as much as 200%. Well, if we did that there, we'd probably be decreasing rain in another area by the same amount.

The thing to remember is that you can't really play God with natural systems. The effects are hard to predict and they're likely to be much more complex than we realize. No matter what, we're going to end up hurting someone and perhaps even ourselves. Even if the technology is used perfectly, it's still a short-term fix for a long-term problem, much like many things we do in modern society. But it will likely prove useful in places with erratic rainfall and hopefully will lead to a better understanding of our planet as a whole.

Morgellons disease

 What is a Morgellons disease?

Morgellons disease is a skin disease that has symptoms that include crawling, biting, and stinging sensations; and sores. It is a mysterious medical condition where patients report feeling unexplained organic material like fibers on or under their skin. Morgellons Disease can be an extremely debilitating illness that may cause some sufferers to become truly disabled.

People who believe they have Morgellons Disease often think they are infected by nanotechnology or in some way physically harmed by various government agencies: the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the military, large international corporations such as Monsanto, and so on. In other cases, they feel they are being attacked by insects.

Morgellons disease

Morgellons Disease is a general term that applies to any skin disease that has symptoms of silicone or cotton fibers embedded in the skin. The fibers may be white, yellow, brown, or black in color. Some sufferers report being able to remove the fibers with tweezers or burning them off with a magnifying glass.

Unlike most medical conditions there is no generally accepted cure for Morgellons Disease because it is a mystery illness and not all sufferers report having the same symptoms or believing that their illness is caused by nanotechnology on a national level. Sufferers report that they have found treatments that help them control the symptoms of Morgellons Disease.

For some, antihistamines help relieve itching and stinging sensations. Antihistamines reduce the activity of histamine. Histamine is a chemical signal produced by immune system cells to attract more immune system cells to an infection or injury site. Two antihistamines, in particular, Loratadine (brand name Claritin) and Cetirizine (brand name Zyrtec), are drugs that have shown some success in treating patients with Morgellons Disease symptoms.

Researchers at a government research laboratory have been able to demonstrate that the fibers are synthetic and could not have been produced by living organisms. The fact that Morgellons disease causes symptoms similar to those of Lyme disease suggests that the National Institutes of Health (NIH) has known about this disease for years and has failed to provide adequate care for millions of people who are suffering.

Since their study was halted, the laboratory no longer exists, and neither does the victim database they created in order to study Morgellons patients. The possibility that the government can suppress treatments, as well as research, is a frightening one.

The Morgellon microfiber phenomenon appeared out of nowhere sometime in 1999 or 2000. It is unknown whether Morgellons Disease is caused by nanotechnology or a previously unknown pathogen, but the list of the known symptoms of Morgellons are similar to those associated with Lyme disease, and the condition may persist as long as ticks are found in the patient's skin.

Deleterious effects from nanotechnology are increasingly common and are reported to affect humans at an increasing rate. The average citizen has no idea of what they stand to lose if they choose to ignore this serious problem; it is too late for them, however. All that they have to show for their past is a disease they will no longer be able to heal!

If you want to see what advanced nanotechnology-based technology can do in the 21st Century, look no further than Morgellons Disease. The government is actively suppressing awareness of the disease and curing it by denying funding for research and directly silencing the few doctors who are trying to do something about it.

If you think that this is all a conspiracy theory, please research this for yourself before dismissing it… there are lots more you won't hear on MSM; goodbye to freedom in America.

morgellons disease chemtrails

What is a Morgellons disease?

Morgellons is a poorly understood and controversial condition. Patients who suffer from the disease will develop lesions on their skin, which will cause them pain and itchiness. The appearance of these lesions may differ from person to person, but they are most often described as red-colored, blue-colored, or black specks.

Some people also report an additional non-skin symptom such as cognitive dysfunction or fatigue. They may notice a lot of cottony fibers coming out of their skin or sores that do not heal when scratched off. For many patients, the condition is chronic with no known treatment that would cure it completely.

morgellons disease chemtrails

Morgellons disease is not related to the many other skin conditions from which patients and doctors alike are suffering from, such as atopic dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, dandruff, or other pruritic conditions.

Morgellons disease is also not related to diseases that are normally considered systemic, such as Lyme disease, even though they may appear similar. Thus, Morgellons disease is often described as the only skin condition that causes cognitive dysfunction and fatigue. It can also cause extreme pain in the brain.

Patients with Morgellons disease have been resisting the diagnosis for a long time due to the lack of credibility among doctors who do not recognize this condition in their offices. Inattentiveness by medical professionals has also contributed to the lack of knowledge about this skin disorder among doctors and patients alike.

There is still no consensus among doctors about the causes and treatment methods of this condition. It is also not known whether these patients are suffering from a skin disorder or if the disease extends to internal organs. However, there have been documented cases of patients who died due to kidney and heart failure, which suggests that the disease can also affect vital organs.

There are still very limited research efforts related to this condition that makes it even harder for doctors to understand what really causes it. There are also no established diagnostic criteria for this disease, which makes it even harder for doctors to diagnose a patient with Morgellons disease. Only experienced dermatologists seem to be able to recognize these symptoms and provide appropriate treatment options.

There people who believe they got Morgellons from chemtrails! Who would have thought that chemtrails could make someone think they have Morgellons! Most people believe Chemtrails are another phenomenon, and therefore probably not related to Morgellons at all. But some people believe they got the disease from chemtrail residue (the fine aluminum particles that accumulate on and in plastics, clothing, and skin) or from breathing in aerosolized Angstrom particles released by Angstrom's spray rigs.

The chemtrail/Morgellons story resonates with many and is being spread via Google searches and other means. I know to my amazement that a number of physicians are now hearing from Morgellons patients about the chemtrail theory. Unfortunately, most of them are repeating what they've read on the internet, not what has been tested in peer-reviewed publications. Here's one very recent example...

"I work with patients at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester who have been diagnosed with Morgellons. They are seeking help in ridding themselves of this debilitating disease, which can cause pain and disfiguring lesions that cannot be treated by doctors. The disease is caused by Morgellons' fibers that grow in the skin and can also be breathed in. These fibers, which resemble spider webs, are irritating to the skin and can cause it to break down. Untreated, this condition can take hold of the body causing severe physical problems and even death."

chemtrails conspiracy

 What is a conspiracy?

A conspiracy is a secret plan or agreement between two or more people to commit an illegal, harmful, or wrongful act. The term "conspiracy theory" is used to describe speculation about such plans, without solid evidence. A conspiracy is an illegal secret agreement or a plot by two or more people that intends to do something harmful or evil. When someone tells a "conspiracy theory," they are usually just guessing what the truth might be, but they have no more evidence than anyone else.

chemtrails conspiracy

What is a "conspiracy theory"?

A conspiracy theory, simply put, is the theory that government officials or organizations act in secret to carry out some evil plan. It has been called a fantasy, but it is anything but. And it does not have to be believable. It may be based on nothing more than fabricated stories or rumors, or a lack of facts and evidence. A conspiracy theory is an elaborate fantasy about something and can take many forms such as:

1 – The story that the government created AIDS as a bioweapon for the purpose of killing off minorities – Occam's Razor states that when considering multiple explanations all things need to be considered before coming up with some solution to explain something. Is a bioweapon really necessary to kill off minorities? Or is it just a convenient story created to carry out a plan for genetic purging? If the government were truly behind AIDS, why wouldn't they have given more money for research into it, and why wouldn't they have released their findings to the public in order to stop the spread?

2 – The theory that there is no such thing as "climate change," that this is all just made up in order to keep people from raising questions about powerful corporations polluting our air, water, and land. – Scientists are not lawmakers or lords. They do not decide what questions should be asked. To claim that scientists are lying is not only dishonest but unethical as well.

3 – The theory that the government and forces from other governments have been committing acts of terrorism against the U.S. and its citizens since 9/11 – This, too, is a theory first and foremost, not a fact, but can it be proven false?

4 – The story that there are thousands of members of the Knights of Malta within our intelligence agencies right now spying on everybody. – There's no proof to back this up, nor would there be any reason for these spies to do so if they weren't working for a secret organization that has an agenda. It's also possible that these "members" are really just people who are freemasons who simply believe in their masonic agenda.

5 – The theory that vaccines are part of a population control plan in order for the government to make money selling vaccines and medical supplies. – There are those who believe that organizations like the World Health Organization have plans to depopulate the world in order to save them from themselves. Is this a bad thing? Depopulation might be necessary for the planet, but is it true?

6 – The theory that there is a secret space program run by corporations and governments. – This can be seen in comments by Richard Dolan, who has written several books on UFOs and who goes back and forth between saying that he believes what Dan Burisch has said about such programs and then claiming that it's just a conspiracy theory.

What are chemtrails?

Chemtrails are a popular conspiracy theory that supposes that some trails left behind aircraft are actually chemical or biological agents deliberately sprayed at high altitudes for purposes undisclosed to the general public in clandestine programs directed by government officials. The term is a portmanteau of "chemical" and "trail", from the contrails (condensation trails) that these planes leave behind. Proponents claim "chemtrails" are being used for mind control, weather modification, and population control among other topics.

are chemtrails real

Are chemtrails real you ask? Well, that all depends on who u ask! Some believe that chemtrails are a hoax while others believe they are spraying poison into the skies for whatever reason. But what are chemtrails exactly?

Chemtrails, also known as condensation trails or contrails, is a term describing the man-made clouds which can be seen behind aircrafts. The particles found in chemtrails (like aluminum, barium, and strontium) are what some people think might be causing the strange effects and conspiracy theories of how they cause diseases, illnesses, and even death. It’s not easy to get objective information on this topic because it's hard to get scientists who will have any real answers on this subject.

Another fact that makes it hard to get objective information is the government is not exactly saying much about what chemtrails are or what they are doing. They say that the purpose of the program is to save money by reducing aircraft fuel consumption and, as a result, reducing greenhouse gas emissions. If this is true though why have there been so many reports of toxic chemicals being dropped into the atmosphere?

are chemtrails real

A report in 2006 from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) concluded that contrail formation was a serious environmental problem and it was a risk to public health. And if you keep researching, you’ll find article after article talking about chemtrails. But if you look for solid proof, it's very hard to find. And the government and the airline industry are not willing to talk about it. So, I guess that leaves us with just one conclusion that we should all be concerned about chemtrails.

The website, The Last Question, is an organization that is dedicated to informing people on the subject of chemtrails and they state the following: “The purpose of this site is to present clear evidence regarding the existence of chemtrails spraying operations.” And another site called Chemtrail Central says that “Chemtrails are toxic chemical and metallic mixtures being sprayed by aircrafts above us without our consent. This is an undeniable fact!”

It's also a fact that the first person to coin the term "chemtrails" was a man named William Thomas in his 1996 book, "Telling Lies about Death." However, in recent years more people have been reporting seeing chemtrails, including people who don't find the subject to be of conspiracy theory.

Not only am I one of these people I've seen them on many occasions. So, I wanted to get some answers and so I did a little research and asked some questions. It seems that chemtrails have been going on for years, although this is something that is rarely discussed by the news, public, or government. 

I've heard of reports of people who have suffered from effects such as rashes, breathing problems, and skin lesions but not from death. And while the government and airline industry has denied these claims, I think it's time to take a hard look at the evidence we've seen just within the past few years.

I had to go to the United States Geological Survey (USGS) website and search for "chemtrails" because I couldn't find it on their own site. After having a look at their chemtrail page and reading through the information, it really made me think. Almost all of what I read was pretty convincing. For example, there was stuff about the jet planes spraying chemicals that are found in nature (like volcanic ash), but also metals that our bodies shouldn't be exposed too much too because they can be very toxic. And these came from all different types of jets.

what are chemtrails

What are chemtrails you ask? Chemtrails - AKA aerial trails left behind by airplanes at high altitudes - are a conspiracy theory most followers of the belief believe to be true and are part of an evil government-level plot to poison the population with chemicals. Chemtrail believers are convinced that chemtrails were originally created as a way for the government to control everything from weather to food production. In short, chemtrails come in all different shapes, colors, sizes, and designs across every continent of the world. They also have a surprisingly committed following - despite scientists allegedly debunking their existence years ago.

This article will discuss some key pieces of information about this weird topic as well as why people believe in them so much and what they're doing about it.

what are chemtrails

The Beginning of Chemtrails

Believers of chemtrail theories are convinced that the government wants to spray chemicals into the sky and that these chemicals are responsible for everything from droughts to cancer. Chemtrail believers also believe that this is only one step further from mind-control tactics and secret weapons. It's true, though, that some people do work for the government or government-related groups - although it is unlikely that those who work for them would disclose their plan to intentionally poison an entire population. But let's take a look at what chemtrails actually are so you can decide for yourself.

Chemtrails have been around ever since the early 1990s. Although it was called by another name - "persistent contrails" - these early trails from high-flying aircraft were actually the direct result of greenhouse gases being released into the atmosphere and creating a haze in the sky. Because of this, experts in climate science said that these trails would likely increase in number as time goes on. The problem with that is that it looks a lot like a chemtrail, and just like those who saw chemtrails for what they are today, people who saw persistent contrails back then were convinced that something more sinister was at work.

So why was this latest development in chemtrail history so alarming? When airplane exhaust is released into the atmosphere, it re-condenses into gigantic vapor trails. These vapor trails are actually part of what makes up the natural phenomenon known as contrails - traces of moisture that linger in the air for a short period before falling to earth. Contrails disperse quickly once they begin to form so it's not hard to see how they could be mistaken for something more sinister.

Although chemtrails are now firmly established in the general population, it's important to remember that they have a long history behind them and were only created after other appearances of similar behavior were debunked.

The History of Chemtrails and Current Conspiracy Theories

Chemtrail believers are convinced that the government is behind these trails, although there is no real evidence that anything like that happened at all. There was a time when this theory had been gestating for years, but it was just in the last quarter of the 20th century when chemtrails popped up as a topic. There were people who saw what was going on and wanted to stick to their guns on what they believe to be true, but it didn't really take off until the 2000s when videos about chemtrails started popping up on YouTube with millions of views.